Chapter 54

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Vivian and Dominic got out of the car, two large while bouquets on one of her hands while the other fixed her baby blue overcoat. Dominic came in behind taking one of the bouquets from her and took out one more from the car.

Vivian smiled at him in appreciation as they started making their way towards the large rustic gates of the graveyard. They stepped inside, her heels clacking against the cobblestones that led to numerous headstones. 

Her heart became heavy as her gaze fixed on the freshly dug gravestones, Dominic's hand slid through her waist as he pulled her closer and gave her a reassuring smile. Vivian smiled back a little as she walked towards the grave and kneeled in front of it.

"Justice" was engraved on the stone, the man who was the right hand man of Alexander, the man who tried to save her but was brutally killed instead.

A single tear drop escaped her eyes as she realized that she didn't even know his last name. Dominic kneeled beside her as he ran his hand up and down her back in a soothing manner. 

Vivian kept the boquet of roses in front of his grave as she prayed in her mind for him to forgive her.

She stood up straight while wiping her tears, vowing to herself that she would not cry on the same reason ever again and would stop feeling guilty, she deserved to live after all. 

She looked beside Justice's grave to see two more graves, one was Seth's while the other was Alexander. She could feel Dominic going stiff in anger as he glared at the graves, he did not like the idea of burying them respectfully. 

But he did that because Vivian pleaded him saying that they deserved peace even after what they had done. He agreed after a lot of thinking when he noticed that Vivian constantly had nightmares and always blamed herself for their demise, It was her first and last kill after all.

Vivian took one of the bouquets from his hands while staring at his eyes to find any trace of the rage he showed months ago. She did that quite often nowadays, testing him in the worst possible situations. Finding anything that showed that he would go back to his savage ways. 

Dominic gulped as he looked at her with determination in his eyes and faithfulness in his heart to improve. Vivian smiled when he didn't show any signs of flipping out as she turned around and kneeled in front of Seth's grave. Dominic lowly heaved out a sigh of relief as his fastened heartbeat slowed down, surprisingly he didn't find himself fuming as he would be in these type of situations months ago.

"Guess the anger management classes are paying off after all, If not I would have kill-" he cut his thoughts as he realized what he was thinking "-I would have nicely ensured that the fucking doctor doesn't get a job anywhere else" he thought as he nodded at himself proudly. 

Vivian stared at the grave as she slowly kept the bouquet over it, she touched the stone and closed her eyes for a second before standing up.

Dominic looked at her confused as he looked at grave and then again back to her. "Won't you cry for him?" he asked as Vivian gave him a funny look at his insensitive sentence. 

Dominic realized what he said as his eyebrows shot up "No I mean-" he said but stopped hearing Vivian low giggles "I know what you mean" she said before continuing "and no I won't cry and apologize to them because I think I have apologized enough. It wasn't entirely my fault, they were in the wrong too" she said as Dominic smiled at her with pride.

His hands went around her shoulder as he brought her closer and hugged her tightly "Glad you finally understood" he said in a low voice as Vivian smiled a sad smile and hugged him back. Vivian put her hands on his rock hard chest indicating that he let her go now. Dominic groaned in dissatisfaction but finally let her go.

Vivian took the last bouquet from his hand as she kneeled in front of the last grave, the grave she found the hardest to say goodbye to. "This fucker" Dominic said under his breath behind her but Vivian heard him and turned back to look up at him "Don't speak ill of the dead" she said before turning back.

"I am sorry Alexander I shouldn't have killed you but I had no choice" she whispered in a low voice as she kept the bouquet down "I hope you find peace" she said in her mind as she adjoined her hands in a praying stance before standing up again.

"You can say goodbye to Seth too you know. He was your friend and tried to save you in his last moments" she whispered to Dominic as she placed her hand on his chest. Dominic's hands crept up to her cheeks as he caressed it with his thumbs and staring right at her eyes. 

"I am not as kind as you are, I still hate him" he said as his gaze flickered towards Seth's grave for a second before falling on her again.

"He and his bastard brother hurt you and I will never forgive them for that" he said, one of his hands grazed her upperarm above the material of her clothes which still had faint blade cut scars underneath as his other hand went to her soft short red hair and put the extra strand of hair behind her ear.

"I understand" she said as her hands ran up and down his biceps and gave him a tight smile.

Dominic smiled back as his hands slipped to her waist and pulled her closer "Let's go?" he asked as Vivian nodded and looked back for the last time before walking out of the gloomy graveyard.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked while fastening her seatbelt and starting his car and driving off.

"The park in front of the river" she replied as she looked out of the window towards the passing trees.


hey guys please vote and tell me your views. 

Do you like the fact that Vivian decided to bury them respectfully after everything that happened?

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