• Part 26 - SALIENT •

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Y/n : Hey. It's alright. Don't be awkward.

He nodded again.

Y/n : How about we let everyone know when we decide to make it official?

Taehyung: Sure!

You shook your head helplessly at his childishness , he grinned. Suddenly, you felt a few drops on your hand. You glanced up at the sky. It has turned cloudy out of nowhere. "How is it drizzling in December??!"

Everyone started dashing towards the nearest shelter. You ran towards the bus stop and Taehyung and Jennie reached too.

Y/n : Where are the others?

Jennie: They hopped on their bikes and went. Oh wait, my bus is here!

She quickly got on before you could even react. Taehyung waved at her and sat down. You sighed and sat beside him. The rain had gotten heavier, till it suddenly turned to a fe drops and sunrays pierced through. There was a slight wind that was blowing, and you closed your eyes, feeling the freezing moist air on your skin. You smiled. It was like the weather was gently touching your soul and running away, only to com back again. After a few moments you opened your eyes and turned to Taehyung. He was already looking at you and smiled sweetly.

He turned his head to the front. Immense warmth engulfed you as you rested your head on his shoulder. You watched the trees sway and the mixed scent of him and the soil filled you with happiness. You stayed like that for a few moments till you slowly started to fall asleep.

Taehyung: Your bus is here. You lifted your head and your lips curled up with dropping eyelids. He took your hands in his and placed a quick peck on your nose. You got on the bus and waved him a bye with a wide smile. You sat in the window seat and glanced at the beautiful world outside the rest of your way.


You entered home and immediately ran over for a hug. "Wow! This day really is amazing!"

Y/n : How are you home this early?

Y/d: Got ever with the work early. Go freshen up quickly, we'll have lunch.

You did just that and were at the table in no time for the hot meal.

Y/d: How are you?

Y/a: Does it hurt now?

Y/n : No no! I'm totally fine.

Y/d : How's Momo?

Y/n : She isn't in school yet.

Y/d: We'll talk to the teacher about it or you need-

Y/n : Ah.. I'll let you know. Today was such a nice day though! We had two lectures of English today, and the weather was just so nice, the rain!

He chuckled and nodded. "Yess! I'm not even blurting out anything!" You ate a bite of the rice cake.

Y/a : The weather really was beautiful today.

Your phone buzzed , you checked the notification. It was from Taehyung. You opened it.


SweetieTaehyung :
*pic attached*

You: Oh my gosh!!
This is so beautiful!
You took them?

Ofcourse ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Glad you liked them

You: Didn't know you
could photograph so well :⁠0
Can you sketch it?

Sure. I'll try.

You :
Yess! Ok see ya tomorrow.

Good night.

Sweet night y/n.


Y/d : *Clears throat*

You smiled sheepishly at him.


Y/a : Why are you doing work outside of your room? You never do that.

Y/d : I had to search for this file everywhere. So I thought I'll open it here itself, cause it has a lot of dust on it.

She rolled her eyes. You were heading to your room, but hearing his words you chuckled.

Y/n : What even is it?

Y/d : We're restarting the investigation of an old incomplete case. The department has to go all out on this one.

You peeked in a bit, and you immediately regretted the doing so. Your heart sank to the deepest of depths. The photo of the criminal... was the same as the one you saw in the broken frame in Taehyung's room.

"It.. It's Taehyung's dad."


A/n : Yass. It's the beginning of the plot people. Enjoyyy



Sending lub♡

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