XX: A Hopeless Bind

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Link's POV:

I howled in pain as I tried a second time to remove the Yiga emblem from my arm. I dug my sword into my flesh, picking at the outside of the scar. I dropped my sword and gripped my arm, wincing. A desperate grunt forced its way through my gritted teeth as my arm pulsed. I slouched over, my back falling into a tree. I could no longer hold myself up against the excruciating pain.

I squeezed my eyelids shut, and tears snuck out. They fall into my lap as the rain hit the ground. Never in my life would I have imagined where I was now... My soul had not known such evil. I frantically wiped the tears from my eyes to look at my arm. The eye of the Yiga was already reforming in my flesh. It was hopeless.

I picked up my sword, only to throw it across the ground. I clutched my arm, hollering in agony and frustration. What have I become, I thought.

It felt as if all was lost. I could almost feel the poison in me, the stinging in my stomach rising towards my throat. Was I consumed? I did not know. I hoped Zelda, my goddess in the clouds, could not see me like this. I hoped she was oblivious... I am certainly not the knight she once trusted. I shuttered at the thought of what she would think of me now... The king who joined the enemy of Hyrule. Not only was I a traitor... I was a monster too.

My throat burned as tears began to well in my eyes. Nobody was around, so I let them fall. I clutched my chest as I began to sob.

"H-help me," I cried out, my voice breaking. "Help me, please... I c-can't do this..."

I slumped over crying, my palm digging into the ground to hold me up. No voices reached out to me. I felt truly alone, grabbing my forearm as the rain fell around me. The sound of my shaking breath hid behind the splattering of the pouring rain. The tree I sat underneath no longer protected me. The rain flooded the branches and fell on top of me. I wiped my hair out of my face and stood up, grunting as pain shot through my arm. I glanced down, praying that by some miracle the symbol would disappear. It did not.

I realized I had no time to waste. As much as my self-loathing coaxed me to fall on my sword, I knew I had to return to the Yiga Clan before sunrise. I was fully backed into a corner... one I would have never expected. By the Yiga Clan, no less.

I looked up to the sky. I blinked quickly as rain drops continuously fell into my eyes.

"Are you there?" I whispered.

I waited for a moment, but I heard and felt nothing. I sighed before reaching into my pocket to see if the vial was still there. It was.

I regrettably began to walk down the hill to look for my horse. Hopefully he was around, because the journey to the Gerudo region was painfully long.

I found my horse a couple miles away from me, thankfully on the way to the Gerudo Highlands. When I caught him, he accepted me. Druid nudged my arm with his head, seeming to have forgotten that he was terrified of me mere hours ago. My clothes were still wet from the rain.

When we reached the Gerudo region, I decided to go a different way. I did not want the Gerudo Canyon Stable workers to see me continuously pass through. I took my horse as far as he could go through the mountains, but I ended up leaving him to climb. As I scaled the cliffs, the Yiga Clan hideout was visible to me. I leapt off the cliff, paragliding into the area I defeated Master Kogha years ago. I entered the hideout through a hidden door.

Elrohir whirled around, alarmed. When he saw that it was me, he relaxed. I walked up to him without saying a word and shoved the vial into his palm. I turned to leave.

"Link," he said, stopping me. "Wait a moment."

I hesitated before turning around. Elrohir left the room with the vial. I stood for a couple minutes and looked around while I awaited his return.

I heard his footsteps grow louder as he approached.

"It is indeed his blood," Elrohir said, entering the room. "So he is dead?"

"Yes," I muttered. 

"Well, I must admit I am surprised," he responded. "Although, I know for a swordsman like you, this is a small feat, but for the wielder of the Courage force... yes, I am indeed surprised. The poison works wonders, doesn't it?"

I scoffed. "It is a convenient way to solve your problems, certainly."

He frowned. "You are in dismay, I can see that." He walked closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I pulled back, moving away. "Link, I understand that this is a new experience for you. But please know, we are proud to have you. Already you are an esteemed member of the Yiga Clan, none of my other soldiers could take down Dorian so easily as you." He stepped closer to me and his voice grew serious. "I appreciate what you've done."

It was a strange thing to hear. I didn't remember the last time someone said they appreciated my work.

"I have to return to the castle," I muttered.

"I thought you might say that," he responded. "That's probably for the best. When you return, I will fill you in on our next mission. We are planning our assault on Kakariko Village. With one of Impa's guards dead, I believe it will be easy to obtain the ancient Sheikah records."

My stomach dropped. "An assault, you said?"

"Well, sort of. If everything goes to plan, no lives will be lost and we will have records of ancient Sheikah technology. We don't plan to kill Impa, that old hag is helpless. However, we have our eyes on Paya. We'll offer her a spot in the clan and if she refuses, then we will kill her. We don't plan to kill any civilians, but we won't hesitate to eliminate anyone who takes up arms against us. That is all we have decided on thus far. When you return, I'm sure we will have a plan."

I tried desperately to hide my alarm. I was certain he could hear my heart beat out of my chest.

"I understand. Is it appropriate to return in three days?"

"Three days... yes, we will have a plan by then. After this assault, I would like to include you in the planning as well. I will see you then."

I nodded and turned, keeping my head low. I had no way of saying no.

"Link," he said, halting me before I could leave, "thank you."

I grimaced. "You're welcome," I said. The words stung me on their way out.

Power of the Triforce: Sequel to The Princess and Her KnightWhere stories live. Discover now