XII: State of Emergency

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Link's POV:

I reached Gerudo Town as the sun began to rise. Fully out of breath, I reached an entrance guarded by a Gerudo soldier.

"I request," I puffed, "entrance into Gerudo town. I must speak to Buliara."

The Gerudo chief shook her head. "I cannot let you in," she said. "We are on high alert. Nobody will enter the town."

"I demand you summon her outside then," I said.

The woman's eyes thinned as she turned to enter the town. I waited for a couple of minutes before Buliara stepped outside the threshold, visibly exhausted and grieving. 

"Buliara," I said, stepping forward, "I cannot stay long. I have discovered that the Yiga clan will not back down with their attacks. I fear... what happened here was not their only scheme."

As I spoke, Buliara wiped tears from her face. "Your majesty-," she breathed out weakly.

I stepped forward and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Buliara," I said softly, "do not blame yourself. Despite my expectations, the Yiga clan has grown immeasurably strong. We would not have known to prepare for an attack of that caliber. It is not your fault, you couldn't have known..."

"Our chief was murdered," she cried. "Our town is in chaos, I fear we are ruined. Chief Riju had no heir..."

"We will figure it out," I reassured. "But until then, you can still honor her! You can protect this town in her name. I must return to Hyrule castle because I need to send out an urgent message to all of Hyrule's villages. I fear that we are in great danger. Please," I said softly, looking her in her eyes, "be strong for Riju. Protect your people and be on high alert. I will not let the Yiga clan get away with this."

Buliara nodded, turning to reenter the town.

"Buliara," I said once more. She turned. "Do not lose hope."

She smiled weakly and disappeared within the town. I turned and headed for Gerudo Canyon Stable.

When I arrived, out of breath as usual, I took my horse and darted home to the castle. The sun had risen and I knew I had to make haste... my time was running out.

I reached the castle before noon. Quickly, I dismounted my horse and left him with the stablehands. "Your Majesty," said the royal guards as they opened the Castle doors when I approached. I nodded to them and entered.

I was immediately greeted by Evangeline.

"Where have you been?!" she shrieked.

Welcome back, I thought.

"Evangeline, my dear, now is not the time, I'm sorry," I said impatiently. 

She marched up to me and sneered. "Answer me, Link."

"I have been attending to the Gerudo tribe!" I snapped. "Disaster is befalling our land and I must take care to prevent it! Don't you see I have business to attend to?"

"You may attend to your business, Link, but is it too much to ask to let your wife know where you are going?"

I halted. "My apologies," I said sarcastically as I continued down the hall. 

"Link!" she demanded as she followed me. "Am I not something worthy of a sliver of your attention? I am bearing your child, you know!"

I stopped. Somehow, I had forgotten about my son who was due in mere... weeks? I turned and noticed her swollen belly. I reached my hand out to touch it and she smacked it away.

"Do not touch, Link, it is bad for the baby."

"Bad for the baby?" I repeated, chuckling. "Don't be ridiculous," I said as I reached again.

"Stop!" she shrieked, taking a step backward. "Agh, you do not listen to me! Go on, I should not like to see you any longer."

I stood there and blinked, confused at the interaction. "Okay," I said as I turned.

I walked through the halls and entered the sanctum. Sitting at a desk near my throne was my advisor, Parcy.

"Parcy," I said as my advisor instantly stood from his seat and bowed. "Gather all the representatives, instantly! I am declaring a state of emergency!"

He nodded and ran out of the room. Minutes later, representatives from each town funneled into the room along with many royal guards. They gathered in the center of the room and dropped to one knee in respect. I walked up the stairs to my throne and turned.

"Delegates of Hyrule," I said at full volume, my voice booming throughout the room, "Hyrule is yet again at the threat of the Yiga clan. The Gerudo chief has been murdered."

A Gerudo woman representing her town gasped, looking up in shock. "Your Majesty," she said in disbelief. The rest of the representatives looked around at each other in shock.

"I am truly sorry," I responded, numb to the truth. I had no time to comfort her. "I declare that we are in a state of emergency. With haste, return to your respective towns and spread the news to your elders! We must stay on high alert and your villages must be well protected lest another tragedy befalls us. I will concern myself with dealing with the Yiga clan. Go, now!"

The representatives left the room in a panic. The Gerudo woman wailed as she exited. The guards shuffled around, talking frantically amongst each other.

I walked down to the floor and stopped them. "Now is not the time for panic. You are all well trained for this," I said, doubting it myself. The Yiga clansman was right, we were not on their level any longer. Ignoring my thoughts, I commanded them to report to different posts around castle town. They all left the room.

Exhausted and stressed, I left the sanctum. I paced the halls until nightfall. What am I to do? I thought. Surely I cannot protect all of Hyrule against the Yiga Clan... Their magic is too powerful. But to join their forces, even if just to weaken them? Agh, that would be cowardice... When I first discovered the possibility of resurrecting Zelda, I thought without a doubt that I would do it. However, once I was reminded of the evil necessary to revive Ganon, I could not ever bring myself to participate in that. I could not join the Yiga Clan.

I resolved to think more in the morning and returned to my room. When I opened the door, Evangeline stood in the room, back turned, in her nightgown. She gasped and shuffled with her dress, screaming at me to get out. I stepped back and shut the door, confused. I waited a moment before she told me that I could come in.

I reentered the room and ignored the strange interaction. I took my satchel and sword and placed them on the floor near my bed. I removed my tunic and climbed into bed, groaning. 

"Link," Evangeline snapped, "do not get in our bed in those disgusting clothes! For all I know you could have rolled around in the mud in those pants."

I sighed and sat up, placing my feet on the ground and waking to my dresser. I took off my clothes and put on sleeping garments. I turned to return to bed and she stood before me, arms crossed.

"Why don't you love me, Link?" she asked.

I was taken aback by her bluntness. "I," I stuttered, "I love you as much as I am able."

"Well you are not able to love me very much then."

"Darling, worrying is poor for your health, especially while you are with child."

She huffed and grabbed my face, pressing her lips into mine. Reluctantly, I did not move. After a moment, she pulled away.

"I've missed you," she cooed. 

"I- I'm sorry I have been gone so much," I responded.

She smiled softly but I stepped around her, climbing back into bed. "Goodnight, Evangeline," I said as I blew out the candle. 

Power of the Triforce: Sequel to The Princess and Her KnightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon