XVIII: One of Us

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Link's POV:

When I arrived at the hideout, I took a deep breath. The haunting upside-down eyes displayed everywhere made me sick. And despite how much I loathed this place, it felt more familiar than last time. I hated it.

I entered the hideout slowly. The only sounds were my feet pressing against the cold floor and the quiet flicker of torches on the walls. 

As I walked through the halls, the voices of Yiga clansmen reached my ears, growing louder and louder with each step. I could no longer scoff at their evil, lest I be a hypocrite.

I entered the main room. Heads turned, staring at me as if they forgot the king of Hyrule had joined their clan.

"Where's Elrohir," I demanded.

They pointed to the room hidden by a false wall. I began walking towards the room, ignoring all the blank stares directed towards me, and slipped through the entrance.

Elrohir sat on a wooden bench sharpening a wind cleaver. He was unfazed by my entrance.

"Ah, you have returned," the clan leader said without looking up. 

"I did not know where else to go," I responded. It was true. 

"Well, I'm glad to see you have returned. We have just planned our next mission."

I instantly grew apprehensive. "What is it?" I asked, afraid of the response.

"It involves a member of the Sheika Tribe. Dorian. Are you familiar?"

"Yes, I know Dorian," I responded.

Elrohir looked up from his weapon. "He is to be assassinated. We have received what we needed from him, and there is no reason to keep him alive any longer. In fact, his relations with the Yiga Clan are putting a bit of a damper on our efforts. Quite frankly, I'm tired of him."

My throat tightened and I began to feel my pulse in my neck.

"You can't-" I stammered, "Why? He is unaffiliated now... H-He has children!"

Elrohir frowned. "I see the poison has not fully sunken in yet..."

I gulped, subconsciously reaching my hand back towards my weapon.

"That's why you will be killing him, Link."

I froze. My mind went fully blank.

"I..." I said blankly, "I won't."

"You will. Whether you like it or not, you are a part of this clan and you will adhere to my orders."

"I'm... not a murderer," I responded breathlessly.

"Oh, please," Elrohir said, throwing his weapon on the ground. "You will kill anything so long as you convince yourself that it's 'just' and 'good'. Do you not remember your battle with Ganon years ago? The thousands of monsters you've slain? Murder is well within your capabilities and willingness if only you can make yourself believe you're doing good. Well, soon enough you will understand our motives, our mission, and you will be able to justify it just fine."

I gripped the handle of my sword, breathing slowly. I was angry.

"Don't look at me like that," he said, reaching back down for his weapon. "Hyrule doesn't deserve your loyalty, but the Yiga will prove to be deserving. Don't pretend like this kingdom has ever done anything for you. I'm not sure why you didn't side with us to begin with."

The dialogue seemed familiar.

"I see through your false devotion to me," I responded angrily. "You would have me killed instantly if you didn't need me alive! You need me, and you hate that you need me!"

He looked up, a brief look of anger flashing across his face. He then returned his glance to his weapon.

"I seem to remember not too long ago you were alive, but feeling incapacitated, in the Shrine of Resurrection," Elrohir said quietly. "Unfortunately, it was sealed off and no Yiga could enter. You're lucky because of that. But, that tells me there's a way to keep you alive and physically paralyzed. Do you know what that means, Master Link? Ganon will return and you will be unable to stop him." He looked up at me again. "Complete the task, Link. Or I will find a way to keep you immobilized, within an inch of your life."

I was ashamed that I shuttered. My divine courage was falling victim to the Yiga.

Elrohir reached behind him and grabbed a crystal vile. He tossed it to me.

"Return this vile to me with his blood," he said plainly. "And Link, if I ever see Dorian alive after today, you will be punished."

I can't fight him any longer, I thought. If I leave him believing I am an enemy to the clan, he will imprison me. I can't threaten my own death again... He's too smart for that. I have no option but to obey him... or make him think I'm obeying.

"As you wish," I said, a hateful sting lacing my voice. I gripped the vile and turned away.

"Remember," he said sinisterly, "you are one of us now. Don't let me down."

I didn't respond.

Power of the Triforce: Sequel to The Princess and Her KnightWhere stories live. Discover now