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Aria pov:

Oh what's this sound. I finally opened my eyes and my alarm was ringing and had almost made my ear bleed.

It was 7am. I don't really wake up this early so switched it off and was going back to my dreamland when my mind said 'get up already otherwise you will lose again'.

Oh Yes Yes!.. I remembered and got up from my bed instantly and started running towards my bathroom.

I took a shower and wore one of my sexy outfit. It was black mesh crop top with black bra underneath which was showing my boobs perfectly paired with a dark brown leather skirt, I wore my black heels. Hair down as they were a little curly from the edges which do not need any styling.

I grabbed my crop brown leather jacket to keep it for emergency and grabbed my handbag.

I don't know why but somedays I prefer to look hot. And when I'm going outside in this gangster field I want to look unique.

I know not many women are there I guess there are zero but still I just want to be the one who looks number one out there. I looked myself last time in the mirror.

"You are hot"

I said to myself and finally walking to my door. I opened it and my eyes widened in shock.

It's not just mine why his eyes widened in shock? Does he not know this is my room? Was he expecting someone else?

Okay first of all how long he was standing here was he here the whole night?

No he changed from sweatpants to his black attire with black leather jacket and pants.

Do he live like this? Like this casually?

I have always seen him in formals. So this is way too much for me. He looks more hot and cute rather than in formals.

His hair was a little messy but looks like he styled it with his look. He's looking very hot and fuckable.

Stop Aria just stop these unholy thoughts these are not good for your health. The things which will never happen don't think about these. Focus now. Focus.

He scanned me from up to down and smirked. His eyes were struck somewhere on my body and then he realized he was drooling over me. He looked back in my eyes and smiled.

"Morning. Chocolate. Looks like you are ready."


"Uh-hmm. Black and brown chocolate colours." He pointed towards my dress.

This bitch.

"Got it now move from my way"

"Oh yes. Let's go"

I walked and he started following me like a puppy. He sometimes become cute.

"I'm not going with you."

"Then I won't let you go there."

I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him.

"What actually is your problem? Why are you not letting me go there? And if you are going to say I'm going there alone.

Then let me tell you I've always gone there all alone so stop with your ordering around and being my dad just let me do what I want to do"

I started walking towards the door of the Mansion. He still followed me and didn't utter a word.

What the hell is wrong with him?

Whatever, I went towards the parking area. I opened the door of my car and everything happened in the blink of an eye.

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