Chapter 20

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Author Pov

At Y/n's Shop

It was night time. Yoongi saw y/n painting something. He slowly went towards there aware not to make any noise but.

" Oppa, Are you here? "

" Ah! Nae "

She kept her paint brush aside and stood up to go to washroom to wash her hands.

Yoongi saw the painting and get confused that why she had painted him.

( Credit goes to real owner of this painting )

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( Credit goes to real owner of this painting )

He saw her coming out from the washroom.

" Angel, why you have painted Taehyung? "

She smile little " It was easy to paint him as his features are very sharp and clear."

His fist tightened " That means you have touched his face to feel him."

" Nae, I know how he looks like. One day he only told me to paint him and that time I touched his face. And believe me I can say that he is very handsome." He poke his tongue and nodded.

" Ok, then let's go it's time to close the shop."

She nodded and they went outside. He off all the lights and closed the shop. He looked at her who was really looking like a lost angel. His eyes went towards her pouty lips. Suddenly, he remembers last night incident.He smirk and feels him getting hard.

He holds her hands. She flinched at sudden touch.

" O-Oppa, what are you doing? "

" Angel let's go on my bike."

" No no it's okay. I will take taxi."

" No I can't risk you will come with me. Let's go." He holds her hands. But she yanked it. He gritted his teeth.

" Thanku Oppa for your concern. But I can go on my own."

He sigh and thought that now it's his time to show his acting skills.

" It's okay, If you don't want to go. I thought that I mean to you something but I think you think of me as your worker only. And yeah I am right only as I have see how you talked to me in morning." He said with a sad tone.

She gasp and holds his hands and shook her head.

" No no oppa don't think like that. I don't meant to upset you. I am only dumb to say that things to you. I am really sorry. I was not knowing that you will get hurt. Why didn't I think this earlier? " Her eyes were getting teary.

" No no you don't say sorry. You were right only. I am just a worker in your shop."

" No no oppa this shop is yours also. Don't mind my words that I said earlier. My mind was not right at that time. I am so stupid. Please don't be sad." She pout sadly. She don't want him to get sad because of her.

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