"Well then, let's get this started then" Klaus said as he clapped his hands together, "so you've come here to ask us to help you against the Volturi and their accusations against you and your family. What makes you think we can help?" Klaus asked as Elijah gave him a pointed look.

"What my brother means is why come here when the Cullens are no allies to us, I get why you would look for Augustus but why us little one?" Elijah asked a bit softer.

Elliana looked down at the table for a moment as she tried to put together what her argument was, "I'm not apart of the Cullens coven, my sister is and so is her daughter" the siblings looked to each other with questioning looks but let her continue, "she was born while my sister was still human and she grows everyday, and they don't know what I am and they want us dead because they don't know if they can control us like the others"

"And you what? Want us to help kill them?" Kol asked with a small smirk.

Elliana shook her head, "we're asking people to help talk to them, we don't want to start a war. No lives need to be lost over us, all we ask is that you act as witnesses for our cause and we will owe you so much more" she stated before looking to Elijah, "you said your weren't the Cullens allies, well if you do this for us then we will owe you so much more then just having a friendly face in your corner" she said strongly.

The siblings looked between each other with small smiles, "so when do we leave?" Klaus asked with a small smirk.

Elliana looked between Augustus and Kayden with a wide smile as they all relished in the moment of one of the many coming victories to come to them.


The arrival of Senna and Zafrina meant that our plea was being heard in even the most remote corners of the world while others searched for witnesses closer to home. Elliana and Kayden had brought a French war veteran with them to help with Elliana's and Renesmee's cause.

Renesmee stood before Augustus who was crouched before the girl as she moved to lightly touch Augustus's cheek. She let him feel and see her memories, after she finished showing him Augustus took Renesmee's hand into his as he showed her his copy cat power making the girl smile as she saw when he was stood on the barricade with all of his friends fighting against the corrupt Monarch.

Elliana, Renesmee and Kayden walked into the house they were met with the sight of the different vampire clans gather at the Cullens home. Augustus walked in the house after them as the Mikaelson agreed to meet them on the battlefield as a surprise for the Volturi.

Each of them was won over. Each was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friends to make the journey to Forks. Although we were grateful for their help, their thirst for human blood complicated the situation. The nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable. Especially Peter who had fought alongside Jasper as a newborn.

Jacob looks around the room at all the vampires, "Lotta red eyes around here" he said lightly as Kayden stifled a laugh as Elliana was stood over with Augustus who were talking to each other softly.

"They agreed not to hunt in the area" Bella said with a small frown.

Jacob only looked back around the room, "But they'll feed somewhere."

As more vampires set foot in their territory, more Quileutes turned. Their nature compelling them to join the pack.

Finally, Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked.

"Nineteen. You have some good friends, Elliana said some were on the way and would meet us at the field" Edward said as Carlisle nodded.

Esme looked around, "And Alice?" Bella shakes her head indicating that Alice has still not returned, Esme hugs Bella.

Alistair rolled his eyes as he looked back to his old friend, "We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle" he spat out lowly.

Carlisle gave a small pleading look, "Alistair, come meet everyone."

Alistair shook his head, "I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi."

"It won't come to a fight."

"I'll be in the attic."

They watch as Alistair jumps up onto the roof and walks off, "He's not a people person" Esme defended softly.

We opened our home to 19 vampires. Many with gifts of their own. Zafrina had power over the mind. She could make anyone see what she wanted them to.

Bella watches as Zafrina makes Edward see something in the forest, "If you weren't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real" Edward said in amazement.

Bella looked around with a shy smile, "I don't see anything" she said lightly making everyone who was outside look to her.

"Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield" Eleazar said as he smiled at the woman.

"What's a shield?" Bella asked as Edward suddenly understands and smiles.

"The ones I've met are so different."

"It's a defensive talent."

"It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. It's why Aro couldn't."

"You have a very powerful gift."

Suddenly Kate takes Bella's hand,"Oh, yeah, she's a shield, all right. Shoulda put her on her ass" Kate said with a weird look as she looked Bella over.

Garrett smirked as he walked up to Kate, "Or your voltage has been exaggerated" he challenged.

"Maybe it only works on the weak" Kate puts her hand up, daring Garrett to try and touch her.

"Garrett, I wouldn't" Carlisle said with a small smile.

Garrett touches his finger to Kate's hand and he's instantly electrocuted and falls to the ground, "You are an amazing woman." Garrett said with a smile as everyone started laughing at the two.

Forever In Your Eyes.                       ~Alec Volturi~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang