Marring a boy? |Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

He was stressed. He closed his eyes and headed down.

"Hey! Not going to stand tonight?" A friend of him came and asked.

"Don't you talk to me right now. I am not interested."

" it because of the news?"

"Don't you dare to utter anything else after this! Just leave!" He yelled and threw the glass at him.

"Thank God I did not get hurt! He is in so much rage today. We should leave him alone now." He left along with other friends.


It was morning. Mr. Jeon asked Jungkook to get up soon and come to him as he had something important to discuss with him.

Jungkook got ready and went to him. He barely said anything and just set in front of him.

"Oh! So you are here....."

"Hmm...." he hummed.

"I have a news for you."

"What?" He asked in a low tone. He was not even looking into his eyes.

"You are getting married!"

"What!!!" He stood up in a shock! His mouth was open in full "O" shape.

"How can you say that.......I mean I am not ready to get married......I am too young.......I can't take other's responsibility.
And I am the one who will decide about my Married life so please.......DON'T DO THAT!"

"You have no other choice left MY SON! You are nothing more than a puppet to me. Hahaha........

And as to save my reputation and company, it is important for you to get married. Get married and prove all the allegations to be false! That is the only choice."

"How can I get married? And to whom?"

"I already have seen a partner for you."

"You want me to get married to a person whom I Don't even know!"

If you want safety for your mother; you will have to make this sacrifice."


"You have no option I clearly said that to you.
Stay ready at evening. We need to go to see your future partner."

"Who is THAT GIRL?"

"It is not a girl. IT IS A BOY!"

"WHAT THE FU*CK! I am not a gay Mr. Jeon! Like......what do you think of me?"

"After the news went viral, all the girls have started hating you. No one is ready to be your partner. AND SPECIALLY GIRLS.
So as I think, A boy will be perfect for you."

"This is disgusting!"

"You will marry that boy!"

"In your DREAMS!!"

(Who we are....we are the dreamers.........hahaha)

"Oh really? Keep one thing in mind; You have not seen her since last 10 years.

Lets make a deal!

I will let you see her if you accept my proposal!"

"What!!!" Tears rolled down his cheeks.

*He knows my weakness so well.......but this could be a chance for see my mom.......*

"Ahhh..........o........o....OK.........I will.........." he held his tears and accepted the proposal.

"Perfect! I expected the same son!"

" least let me know the name of that boy!"

"His name is Kim Taehyung! Son of my friend Mr. Kim."


"Stay ready for evening. You may leave now."

Jungkook left in rage. He closed the door of his room and locked himself in. He cried and threw all the stuffs of his room here and there. He got hurt in his hand as be broke a mirror too.

His hand was bleeding. His eyes were tearing. The room turned into a complete mess within minutes.

He set in a corner, broken and sobbing all alone.

"Mom.....where are you mom......There is no one who would love me one loves me here."

It is pitiful to see him crying like this.


"Are you ready?"

It was evening. Jungkook was all ready to go to see his future partner. He was looking handsome yet sad.

"Hmm...." he just nodded looking down.

"And what is this?"

Mr. Jeon asked while pointing at his hand which was dressed up as he got hurt in his room while throwing stuffs.


"You better stop throwing the stuffs. It just increases your expanses.
Behaving like that is not a way to escape." He smirked and replied.

Jungkook just looked down in response.

*it is getting on my nerves but still I am silent.....just for my mom..* he said to himself in mind.

"Lets go. They must be waiting."

Both left.


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