chapter 24

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Quick announcement! I'm getting married in July and I've been incredibly busy with life which is why I barely use this app anymore but don't worry! Author Chan is still here! I'll try and work out a post schedule for chapters as of now it's going to be every month! Also happy holidays to all my lovely readers I honestly enjoy reading your comments!!!

"Y-yeah.." Russia said staring at America, he looked so stunning in this situation and it makes Russia want him even more. Russia quickly pushed the thought away as he smiles and sits next to America.
Russia had taken Canada's advice and got closer to America in the last 5 months and his feelings for the smaller male never changed in fact the got stronger, alot stronger to the point Russia craved kissing and touching the smaller male.
Russia didn't know what to do he secretly wanted this outcome but at the same time he's scared of getting rejected. The end of the school year is close, 3 weeks away in fact and that in mind Russia begins to think of a way of a way to confess to America.
While Russia sat next to America his mind raced, the end of the year is close and Russia plans on going to college and Ocean side Bay while America moved to a different state. This was Russia's only chance to tell America how he felt and realizing this it hit him like a train. Russia panicked as he got nervous, he desperately wanted to tell America how he felt but he was scared.
"Are you okay?" America says softly as he brings Russia back from his thoughts. Russia looks over at America and turns bright red, America had woven a flower crown and was wearing it while butterflies danced around him.
"Y-yeah!" Russia said with a laugh as he quickly turns his head away to keep America from seeing his face.
"Y'know I've been thinking.." America said as he flops down on the grass and looks up at the sky.
"About what?" Russia said blankly as he composed himself and turns to look at America.
"I think Japan is in love with me." America said as he groans. Japan was annoying and she was so obvious about having a crush on America that it was sickening. Russia rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Well that obvious." Russia said coldly as he uses his arms and hands to prop himself up, he leans back and throws his head back as he watches the clouds.
"Mm.. I already made myself commit to someone.. even if he doesn't know or feel the same I'm willing to wait for him.." America said now admiring Russia as he smiles softly.
Russia quickly looks at America with a questionable look.
"What do you mean?" Russia said blankly as he peers down at America.
America got nervous as he looks up at the taller male who tower over him.
"I'm in love with one of my friends but I don't think he knows or even feels the same." America said as he quickly looks away from Russia to hide his blushing face.
"Well.. why don't you ask him if he likes anyone?" Russia said blankly with his usual poker face, this stunned America.
"Oh.. uh.. well do you like anyone?" America said peering up at Russia who only stared at America with a shocked expression.
'dose he mean me?..' russia thought for a moment before shaking his head.
"Yeah but I don't know how to confess to him yet.." Russia said looking down and huffing.
America looked a little hurt but smiles anyway.
"Well, try taking him to s place he likes!" America says humming as he smiles brightly.
"Oh that's actually a pretty good idea." Russia said with a soft smile as America nods quickly and grins.
"Which reminds me. Your favorite place to go is the old oak tree by the school right?" Russia asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I've always thought it was so beautiful." America said clearly oblivious to what Russia was hinting at.
"Yeah your right." Russia said as he smiles at how innocent America smile looks.
"Do you wanna get ice cream?" Russia asked after a few moments as he sees a small ice cream shop in the distance. America giggles and nods quick as he gently places flowers in the fluff of Russia's hat.
"C'mon.." Russia said standing up and offering America a hand, he smiles at takes it without a second to spare.
"I see a shop over there, you wanna walk and get some with me?" Russia asked as he helped America to his feet.
"Sure, lets go!" America chirps excitedly as he dusted himself off.
After about 5 minutes they were at the little shop, Russia opened the door and a small bell rang over head, America slips by Russia and stands in the cozy shop with awe.
"Wow, it's super cute!" America smiles as he looks around with a laugh.
"Yeah.." Russia said as he walked to the cashier who waited for him to order.
"Hi! What can I get for you today?" A female voice chined in as Russia eyed the menu over head.
"Oh.. hello Poland.." Russia said shyly as he looked down at the small girl.
"Hey!" Poldand smiles as she looks up at Russia waiting for him to order.
"Uh.. can I get a strawberry swirl with extra whipped cream and a banana slip please?" Russia said as he looks away from the menu and begins to dig for his wallet, when he found it america pushed Russia back and quickly swiped his card down.
Russia's eyes widen as he stared down at him with a confused look.
"I owe you more then this so I don't wanna hear no lip." America said as he quickly punched in the card code.
Russia huffs and crosses his arms before turning his head away dramatically.
America's and poldand laugh at Russia for a month before turning to each other.
"How you been girly?" America asked as he smiles softly, at this point you could definitely tell this boy was gay and it caught Russia's attention immediately.
"I've been good, been busy though" Poland said with a sigh as she gave America the receipt.
"How are you and germany doing?" Russia asked as he turns his attention back to the smaller figures.
Poldand blushes before laughing.
"He finally asked me out!" Poldand chirps with a soft smile.
"Awe!! That's amazing!" America coos as Russia nods with a smile.
"And what about you guys? Germany told me you had the hots for each other." Poland smiles and both America and Russia turn tomato red.
"We're just friends!" Both boys huffed as they looked at each other.
"If you say so.." poland said awkwardly as she turns to get their order.
"Here's your ice cream, hope you guys have a good date!" Poland teased as Russia and America blushes and takes the ice cream before making their way out of the small shop.
"Uh.. thanks.." Russia said as he looks away with a small smile. America smiles back and nods.
"You're welcome." America said as he looks up at Russia.

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