chapter 9

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"I-i do mean everything I said though.. please remember it." America said looking up at russia.
Russia laughed not taking him seriously and continues walking on the side walk to get to Japan's house.
"I'll make sure to remember that.." Russia says jokingly a as he laughs and peers down at the smaller male who only pouts.
"Huh? What's the matter?" Russia seemed a bit confused.
"Your not taking me seriously Russia." America said now stoping infront of the taller male who looks puzzles.
"I h-honestly think y-your adorable." America says very seriously not breaking eye contact with the Russian.
' Is.. is he.. N-no he's dead serious!" Russia thought as his face became red, his realization caused America slight amusement. America watched as the taller males face begins to twist with realization, the more he realized America had been flirting the redder Russia's face got. Russia was so embarrassed that he pulled his Ushanka hat over his face in attempt to hide.
'how cute!!!' america thought with a soft smile.
"А-Aмерика A-Are you trying to flirt or t-tease me?" Russia finally stutters out while peeking out from under the fluff of his hat.
"Hm.. well that depends on which you'd prefer."
America said teasing the Russian yet again.
Russia was in disbelief, was America really flirting with him? The American boy is pretty attractive, to attractive actually that's why Russia couldn't believe the scene that's unfolding before him.
America on the other hand didn't think as himself as attractive, far from it actually America could never see himself as 'attractive' which is why he gets a sense of joy when he sees how flustered his words make Russia.
America would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy toying with Russia but at the same time he hoped that he'd realize his teasing is anything but a joke in fact America IS in love with Russia and after realizing his feelings never really left he had hoped Russia would eventually feel the same and by seeing how the taller male reacts to just simple words have America hope.
"I-if anyone is c-cute I-i-its you!" Russia forces out without warning causing America to look at him confused.
"Huh? I'm sorry but I don't think of myself as cute. Not one bit!" America says laughing.
"What? Your a-actually pretty attractive though?" Russia said a little surprised by his word.
"Pfft! I don't believe that." America says laughing like a deranged witch.
"America I'm serious! You really are attractive.." Russia said again this time with a stern tone that gave America chills.
"Hm.. I'll accept I'm attractive if... You accept your hella adorable!" America chirps a sly grin plasted on his face. Russia had to think about it for a minute but he grins and smiles.
"Alright deal!" Russia laughs holding out his hand, America immediately takes it and shakes it.
"No take backs!" Russia laughs sticking his tongue out at the smaller.
"Aw! Cmon you think I was playing!" America says with a pouty face causing Russia to blush.
"H-Hey! Stop teasing!!" Russia shoves America lightly as they both laugh.
"No way! Your reactions are to damn cute!" America pushes Russia back lightly and dashes ahead.
"Can't get me now!" America says looking back at Russia with a flirty grin.
"Hey that's cheating!" Russia says running after him the taller male didn't realize America was fast as hell, by the time he reached America he was out of breath!
"Pfft! Cmon you gotta try a little harder!" America says pretty much laughing his ass off at this point.
"Damn you fuckin fast!" Russa gasps for air.
"G-give me F-five minutes! Five minutes to catch my breath!" Russia wheezes bending over as he places his hands on his knees.
"A-Are you okay?" America says looking at Russia with consern, he walks to the taller male and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Y-yeah.." Russia said slowly as he smirks, he looks down at the ground so America couldn't see his face before the small male could reach Russia picked him up and threw him over his shoulder like he was a pillow!
"H-hEYY!" America yelps wrapping his arms around Russias torso.
"Look who's laughing now!" Russia said with a smirk as he lifts america by his legs.
"Cheater!!" America says laughing at the taller males cocky attitude.
"Oh? What was that??" Russia said grabbing both Americas calfs with one hand and beginning to trickle him with the other.
"O-oh no! Wait!! I take it baacckk!"  America says as he burt into a laughing fit.
"What was that? I couldn't hear!" Russia pulls his hand away to let America repeat himself.
"I-i t-take it back!" America says giggling like a small child.
Russia smiles and puts America down, America huffs before laughing again.
"You wanna piggy back ride?" Russia said fixing his shirt that was slightly lifted due to Americas grip.
America only nodded in response to Russias question and gave him the upy hands like a toddler.
'gah!!! So cute!' Russia thinks as he kneels down for the smaller male to climb on his back.
America quietly watches as the taller male bends down, he balances himself on his toes and holds out his arms waiting for America. America on the other hand was to busy staring at his major dumb truck of an ass, Man Russia has some cake!
"America?" Russia said looking back at him he'd be lying if he didn't catch America starring at his ass but he did and seeing how America's face flushes red he knew he was caught.
"S-Sorry! Gay thoughts!" America says blanky as his face turns even reder.
Russia laughs and nods.
"I gotchu don't worry!" Russia laughs a slight blush on his cheeks.

The two boys talked and joked about anything that popped into their minds, they enjoyed each other's company and as it came to a end both of them felt a bit disappointed.
"Japan's house it at the end of the block." America says pointing at the house that look like mansion.
"Wow.. looks so pretty." Russia said peering down the street.
"Yeah! To be honest I practically live here." America said laughing as he wraps his arms around Russia's neck.
"Oh? You guys close?" Russia asked curiously.
"Yeah mom is imperial's bestie." America said laughing.
"So you guys are childhood friends?" Russia said with a smile.
"Yeah, Japans mom was practically my second mom before she passed." America said frowning.
"Her and nanna both were my parent figures since my mom worked over seas at the time." America said looking a little sad.
"Man I had no clue, im sorry.." Russia says awkwardly feeling extremely guilty.
"Its okay! Don't worry." America says with a small smile.
"If it wasn't for Japan I don't think I would have met them but anyway we're here!" America chirps with a small smile making Russia laugh.
"Do you want down?" Russia asked looking back at him.
"No!" America whines as Russia laughs and begins to walk up the stairs.
"S-should I knock?" Russia asked looking back at America with a a smile.
"Nah!!" America says laughing as he watches Russia open the door.
"Hello-" Canada said not expecting the sight in front of him.
"Hey!" Russia says walking over to the sectional sofa and throwing America on it playfully, America laughs and pulls the taller male into to a head lock.
"H-Hey!!" Russia says laughing as he begins to tickle America.
"What's going on I here?" Japan says as she walks into to living room with a large bowl of chips and a plate of dip.
"Help!" America gasps between his laughter, trying to wiggle his way out of Russias grip.
"Oh no you don't!" Russia said grabbing America by the back of the shirt as he began to run.
Russia pulls America into his lap and begins tickling him without mercy, the smaller male laughs so hard he's in tears.
"O-okay!! You win!! Have mercy Russ!" America burt out as he laughs, he wiggles out of the taller males grip and runs to the other side of the sofa to catch his breath.
"I was not expecting that" Japan says laughing as she hold her stomach, her tail flicks.Americas face runs blood red as he rolls his eyes.
"Oh shush!" He hissed before laughing again.
"We should finish decorating before anyone else shows up." Canada said as he unwrapps the streamers hanging them neatly.japans nods in agreement with the Canadian boys words, he begins to step down off of the ladder and looks over to Russia who's got a cocky smirk. "Hey Russland, since your tall can you help me decorate while america helps Japan?" Canada said grabbing another roll of streamer to hang up.
"Sure sounds like a plan." Russia said standing up and walking to the Canadian.
While Russia works with Canada America decides to helps Japan cooks, though he couldn't help to get distracted by Russia. After about 30 minutes with some time to spare the food and decorations were done. The pair finally flop down on the sofa to get some rest, Canada and russia had managed to decorate most of the house.
"Y'know I didn't think you were good at cooking Ame." Japan says as she walks threw the living room, she places some party foods down and smile at the males sitting on her sofa.
"Oh? I actually like to cooke even though i don't get to often." America says laughing as he finishes washing the dishes.
"Wait America made this??" Russia says with a shocked expression. America walks out of the kitchen with a cooking robe on and gives him a confused look.
"Huh? Did someone need me?" America said while whipping his hands on the from of the black robe.
"O-oh.. N-No I didn't know you cooked though." Russia said looking down at his feet with a small blush

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