chapter 19

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"Don't worry! I actually don't mind your company. I feel pretty comfortable around you." America said now burying his face into Russia's chest as he sighs.
Americas words stunned Russia leaving him scrambling to find words only to fail.
After about 30 minutes americas phone began to ring, confused he dug threw his pocket and pulls his device out tapping the screen and answering.
"Big brother! Come see that snake!! He's so cute!!" Australia chirps excitedly, America laughs and smiles brightly.
"Okay, I will be right over in about 15 minutes okay?" America said looking up at Russia who lets out a small chuckle.
"Okay! Love you bubs!!" Australia said and before America could respond he heard the dial tone.
"Well.. I didn't think mom would actually let her get a snake.." America said laughing as he pulls away from Russia.
"Uh.. C-can me and Belarus tag along?" Russia asked nervously as he sits up.
"Sure! I don't mind." America chips as he stands and stretches.
"Okay, I'll go get bell. Meet you at the front door?" Russia asked with a small smile as America nods and heads down stairs to grab his shoes.
Once the pair came to join America, Belarus ran to hold the smaller males hand.
"Aw! You look super cute bell!" America said with a soft smile.
"Thank you! C-can you put my hair in piggy tails?" Belarus asked looking up at America with a smile, America nods and leans down, he gently brushed and parted her hair and tied it off in two low pig tails.
"Thank you!!" Belarus chirps as she hugs America, Russia smiles and slips his shoes on. Russia turns towards the stairs.
"Dad! Bell and me are going to America's for a while be back soon!" Russia yells getting a faint okay from his father and with that the trio begins down the street and up Americas porch.
America pulls out his keys and opens the door.
"Cmon in, please close the door behind you." America said walking into his home, he takes his shoes off and leaves them at the door, the Russian does the same he follows America like a lost puppy.
"Mom! I'm home and I brought a couple of guests." America yells as he looks for his mom, France comes from a long hall way to greet his guests he smiles.
"Oh.. welcome! Please make yourself at home and is if you need anything don't be afraid to ask!" France chips softly as he turns to the stair case. "Americas home!" France called to the twins, it wasn't long before they came racing down the stairs, Australia still holding her Snake.
"Big brother look!" Australia says running up to America and holding out her arm. America smiles and holds his hand out allowing the small snake to wrap around him.
"Awe so cute!" America says turning to Belarus who hid behind him shyly.
"Do you want to see?" America says turning to the small girl, she nods hesitantly.
America moves now making the small girl visible, he then leans down and smiles.
"This Is called a hog nosed snake, the play dead when they get scared but they are super nice!" America said holding his hand out to the small girl who giggles.
"Aw.. so cute! What's it's name and C-can I hold him?" Belarus asked as he held her hand out, America glances at Australia.
"Her name Marmalade!" Australia chips as she looks over at the small girl.
America laughs before letting the small snake crawl on Belarus's hand.
America then turns to the twins who look at the small girl curiously.
"This is Belarus, Russia's little sister. Bell that's my little siblings, Australia and New Zealand." America said pointing to each of them.
"And that's my mom France." America smiles and walks over to the sofa.
"N-nice to meet everyone.." Belarus says shyly as she hand the snake back to Australia.
"You wanna play with us?" Australia asked as she smiles at the smaller girl who only looks at Russia.
"Go on, go play." Russia said with a small smile as he walks over and sits next to America. With that said the little one quickly made their way to the twin's room.
"How have you been dear?" France said as he takes a steat next to Russia with a kind smile. Russia internally panics, he has always been afraid of America's family he'd never admit that so that being said he gulps down his fear and turns to france.
"I've been good ma'am.. " Russia said with a nervous smile.
"Oh.. America did you not tell him?" France leans forward and gives the small American a glare.
"No? I didn't think you wanted anyone to know!" America says with an eye roll in response France smacks the boy in the back on the head and smirks as he groans in pain Russia being in the middle of the two gulps nervously.
"Listen Russia, I'm transgender." France says blanky as he turns to the Russian boy with a soft smile.
"Oh? So your a male?" Russia asked a little confused, France nods and smiles softly.
"Oh sorry I didn't know!" Russia began to panic but France only laughs.
"Don't worry! It's okay." France laughs as he gets up and walks to the kitchen.
"You boys want anything?" France said as he looks back at them from the kitchen door way, both the boys shake their head and smile.
"Alright, if either of you need me I'll be on the patio." France said as the the sound of a door closing can be heard.
"Your mom's super nice.." Russia said as he turns to America who still rubs the back of his head.
"Oh yeah a real angel.." America says sarcastically as he rolls his eyes. Russia looks at him nervously and smiles.
"Uh.. you wanna go to my room?" America said looking down a minute, Russia nods softly.
Russia was kind of curious what America's room looked like and he was quick to follow America as he headed upstairs. It was the first room across from the stairs, his door had his name written on it.
America grabs his keys again and quickly opens the door with a click, his room was space themed and Russia loved it.
"Wow..." Russia said looking around with stars in his eyes, America laughs as he wanders around stopping on a wall full of sunsets, stary sky's and all kinds of star sky related pictures.
"So pretty.. w-where did you get these?" Russia said pointing at the collage of pictures pinned to the wall, it neatly covers a small section of the wall.
"Oh? I actually took them." America said smiling as he walks to his computer desk, he picks up a camera and hands it to Russia.
"You can look threw it I don't mind." America said as he turns and walks to his bed, seeing his neatly folded night clothes he quickly strips, keeping his back turned towards the other male.
"Wow.. thats amazing! I never knew their was places this beautiful around here." Russia says as he smiles and turns to see America pulling up a pair of ball shorts.
"Really? Do you like star gazing?" America said turning to him, he was practically naked.
"Y-yeah!" Russia said nervously avoiding eye contact.
"Huh? What's wrong?" America said walking over to Russia.
"U-uh well.. I'm bisexual and your practically naked.." Russia says covering his face in embarrassment, America smirks and laughs for a moment.
"C'mon man we're guys! All guys have been naked in front of each other at least once." America laughs picking up the close he pulled off and throwing them in a laundry basket next to the door.
"Just make yourself comfortable, my room is a judgement free zone you can be in a towel and I wouldn't care. I might eye you like candy but that's besides the point." America said laughing as he runs and plops on his bed with a sigh.
"O-okay.." Russia walks over to America's fan and turns it in before stripping his sweat pants and hoodie off, leaving him in his boxers and over sized shirt.
"S-Sorry.. it's kinda hot in here." Russia said nervously and he walks over to America's bed, slowly taking in the scenery of his room.
"It's all good, just make yourself comfortable." America says with a smile and he shifts on bed now looking at Russia.
"Y'know your pretty hot... I can't understand why you've never really dated anyone.." America says with a slight blush on his cheeks, he turns his head to avoid the embarrassment. Russia blushes and looks away before laughing.
"I don't think that's true and I was always in toxic relationships sadly." Russia said as his smile faded, he turns to look at America and America is starring at him. Russia gulps and smiles softly.
"U-uh... Are you okay Ame?" Russia asked nervously as he scoots closer to America.

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