Part Thirty-Three

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Severus closed the car door. "Why was your dad staring at me the whole time?" he asked.

"My mom asked if we were dating, I said I wasn't sure—"

"We are."

"I said I wasn't sure, and then she asked me if we had sex, I said yes, and now my dad hates you."

"Why would your mom ask you that?"


They were quiet for a little while longer as they drove, until Severus spoke again. "I don't really want to go back to Greece."

James stared at him. "Why?"

"I kinda miss this crap hole."


"I grew up here. It feels more like home than anything else ever has."

James stayed silent. "I miss it too."

They looked at eachother in silence, then got back to talking about random shit.


Severus and James finished packing around lunchtime the next day. "Ready to head home tomorrow?" Severus sighed.

"Not really." James laughed. Severus grinned.

Severus flopped down on the couch and held his arms out for James to hug him. James chuckled and lied down on top of him, both of them wrapping their arms around eachother. James hummed into Severus' shoulder.

About an hour later, they went to see Harry again. Lily and Mary had practically asked them to babysit so they could go on a date, and obviously they excepted.

Harry was talking about a new boy named Draco who he had met at preschool, and how cool he was. Severus listened intently. the three of them were sitting on the floor together. harry was coloring, and Severus was watching him with James, who had one arm wrapped around him and was leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Tell me more about Draco." James said.

"I want him to be my best friend. he's not very nice though. he's mean to everyone but me and hermione and ron. He has pretty green eyes and light yellow hair and pretty clothes and he's funny. he likes touching my scar because he thinks it's cool and he's the only other kid i've met who thinks that. i could talk about him for hours."

Severus and James glanced at eachother with a chuckle.

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