Part Three

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Severus had spent about an hour on the phone with James while sitting on the floor with Lennon. They had talked about random things, argued a little, and made the stupidest jokes possible. James asked a few questions about Lennon, too. Like how long he had had her, and how old she was.

Severus eventually ended up asking him about Harry. James talked about him for almost a half-hour. He talked about his adorable little face and cute eyes. James talked about his friendship with Lily, too.

Severus eventually hung up when Wilhelm stepped into the apartment. He had given him a key when he first bought the place, and he just started walking in without knocking.

"Morning, loser." Wilhelm hummed, already rummaging through Severus' fridge.

"I bought sushi for you." Severus said, softly picking up the turtle and her walking her over to her tank.

Wilhelm immediately smiled when he saw Lennon, pressing his face to the glass with excitement. Severus set his hand on Wilhelm's chest and pushed him back softly.

"Don't scare her." He said, before stepping over to the sink and washing his hands.

"Can I hold her?" Wilhelm practically jumped on his heels. Severus grunted quietly.

"Wash your hands first. And be careful."

Wilhelm excitedly hopped over to the sink, washing his hands quickly, then reaching into the tank and picking up Lennon. He slowly set her on the floor and grinned as he softly pet her shell.

"Who were you talking to?" Wilhelm asked as he played with Lennon.


Wilhelm immediately looked up at him, shocked. "James Potter?" He yelled, "The one who bullied you in high school?"

"He did not bully me." Severus sighed.

"Then what was that weird thing you had going on?"

"A rivalry, Wilhelm."

"You came to the dorms crying sometimes! That is not a 'rivalry'!"

"Okay fine, not a rivalry. Feud?"

"Sure, fine, whatever—still! How are you on good terms? He was a horrible person to you!"

Severus scoffed. "One; we are not on good terms yet, two; he was not a horrible person."

Wilhelm sighed. "Fine. Where's your bookshelf?"

Severus remembered at that moment what they were doing. They were attempting to do a reading marathon, or a movie marathon if they didn't have the brain power for that.

"Over there." Severus said, pointing in its direction as he softly picked up Lennon and set her back in her cage. "Wash your hands before you grab a book."

Severus washed his hands in the kitchen sink, and Wilhelm washed his in the bathroom.

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