Part Twenty-Three

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Merlin, how James loved Severus. And how much he wished he could show it. But he wasn't sure if Severus even liked men.

He felt pathetic. He felt pathetic because he couldn't tell him what he felt, he felt pathetic because he couldn't even tell his best friend what he felt, but the most pathetic part of it all? He had almost convinced himself that Severus would love him back.

All James could do was watch him and wish he wasn't such a coward. He used to be so damn confident, what happened to him?

He couldn't even get too close to him or he felt like his legs were mush. He always felt so nervous, but so calm with him. Just the same way he felt with Lily.

He'd dreamt about him before. His eyes, his lips, his hair. Even his hands. He dreamt about kissing him—or at least someone identical to him. When he first started dreaming about him, he thought they'd been about Regulus.

That was one of his only bad memories from school, really. He cussed a lot more from frustration. A terrifying time in his life. But at least something good came out of it in the end.

A lot of good things, actually. Like how he finally came to terms with his sexuality.

He realized he liked men. And women. Mostly men.

Mostly Lily.

Mostly Severus.

Only Severus. At least right now.

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