Part Eighteen

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Severus woke James up at 7:00 am to get ready for the flight. Severus looked like he had already showered. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, with a thick black jacket tied around his waist.

They went through their morning routine, as usual. Severus comforted him when the thought of James' parents started stinging in the back of his mind. They were flying to Britain at lunch, so Severus drove him to Maurice's for a nice breakfast.

They ate there for an hour, talking about the hotel they were staying at for the next three weeks. While Severus talked about it calmly, he noticed the look of slight worry in James' eyes. He closed his mouth for a moment, staring at him, confused. Then it set in.

"Oh my Merlin, you didn't get a reservation, did you?" Severus sighed, dropping his arm down onto the table. James shook his head, embarrassed. Severus groaned again. "Well, I guess it's an easy fix. When you're done we'll just drive to the apartment as quick as possible, order a reservation, and then leave."



The drove to the apartment quickly when they were finished, and James called in a reservation. It took almost twenty minutes, Severus took that opportunity to run and ask Daphne—she lived a block or two away—to feed Lennon every day while he was gone. She agreed, and he rushed back to the apartment.

They made it to the airport, through the airport security, and finally—after two hours—made it onto the plane. Severus read a book through the flight, and James fell asleep next to him.

Severus picked up a rental car he ordered for them, which took almost two hours, oddly. They drove up to the hotel and the receptionist gave them their key. Severus unlocked the door, and they both started taking all of their things up the stairs to their room.

The room was weirdly spacious, considering the building itself was intensely narrow. It had a small kitchen in the corner just beside the door, which was connected to the living space. Severus set everything down next to the couch and slipped off his shoes.

They had a quick lunch together, though it was quite late for that, and James went to go spend some time with his parents. He offered that Severus come with, but he decided to just stay at the hotel and figure something out for dinner.

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