Part Thirty

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Severus stepped out of the car in front of Lily's house and walked to the door with James. James knocked on the door and they waited for Lily to open it. When she did, she was excited as ever.

"Hi! Come on in! We're just making snacks for Harry right now."

Severus and James stepped inside and were almost immediately crowded by a single five year old boy jumping with excitement.

"Papa!" Harry grinned, hugging James' leg.

James picked him up and hugged him. "How are you, you little troublemaker? I missed you!" Harry pointed at Severus with a curious face.

"Who's that?"

"That's Severus! He's my friend." James said.

Severus scrunched his nose at the word 'friend.' James shrugged. "Say 'hi Severus'!" James said.

"Hi Severus." Harry mumbled. He looked sort of scared.

Lily giggled. "He's not scary, sweetheart. He's very nice."

Harry stayed close to James. Severus chuckled.

Lily brought James into the kitchen with she and Mary, leaving Harry alone with Severus. At first Harry hid behind the side table, but soon he was sitting on the couch next to him playing with his bracelets. James thought it was adorable.

They ate some chocolate covered strawberries and Harry & Mary watched Winnie the Pooh together. Lily, James, and Severus talked to each-other in the kitchen.

"My gosh, Sev, it's been so long! What have you been doing recently?"

"Well, we came here because James' parents are sick."

"I heard that, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. They're pretty tough, I think they'll make it."

"Either way, I hope they tough it out. It must be hard. And Severus, I'm not sure you heard, Avery and Mulciber got divorced!"

"Oh my god, what? Why?"

"Apparently Mulciber has been a death eater since '79, he never told him. He didn't even sign a prenup or anything, even though he has like nothing. Everything they have is legally Avery's. He took it all, too."

"He deserves it."

"He really does."

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