Part Fifteen

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James brushed his teeth in the mirror of Severus' bathroom as Severus changed outside the door. James was wearing a large white t-shirt and black sweatpants that were loose enough to sag down, but tight enough to hang onto his hips.

James spat out his tooth paste in the sink, washed his mouth, and started brushing his hair (which Severus made a point to mention was entirely useless, considering hair that fluffy would be a terrible mess in the morning anyway.)

Severus made James move out of the way while he brushed his hair so he could wash his face in the sink. He was wearing a baggy tank top and green, plaid pajama pants. He had gotten a few sizes too big in seventh year at Hogwarts, and ended up just taking the pajama set. The top was hanging up somewhere in his closet.

James convinced him to brush his hair, and James ended up doing it for him. 'There.' He said, standing behind him in the mirror. Severus had his arms crossed in front of his lower chest. 'Much better.'

'I don't look any different, James.' Severus chuckled.

'But you feel different!'

Severus closed his eyes and smiled, tilting his head softly.

'Do you feel clean?' James grinned.

'Yes.' Severus chuckled once again. 'Thanks.' He softly turned his head over his shoulder and looked at him.

Severus brushed his teeth, standing closest to the wall on the right side of the mirror, as James stood next to him, washing his face as well. Severus looked at him out of the corner of his eye and watched him. His face was slightly pink.

James stepped over into the living room and layer down on the couch, Severus looking at him from the doorway. James grinned as Severus flicked his wand up and turned off the light.

"G'night Sev.."

"Sleep well, James."

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