Part Seventeen

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Severus sits down on the couch next to James and sets down their plates in front of them. James continued looking at him with the softest smile. Severus blushes slightly as he looks at him.

"Eat your food, dork." Severus laughs.

James smiles and takes a bite of his food as they watch the tv.

Severus thinks for a moment about James and the thought that he had earlier comes up again. Maybe he feels something different for James? No. He knows that's not true. He just has a different form of admiration for him.

So why is he always getting those stupid damn butterflies around him?

Severus hates them. He does. They only exist to make him question things and he doesn't like that. It sucks. But at least James is just a sweetheart.

When they're done with their food, they wash their hands and spend almost an hour hanging out on the floor with Lennon. They listen to the Beatles while doing so, it's only right.

They spend most of their time on the couch, watching the television. They watch a few cartoons and play a board game or two, then order pizza for lunch. They eat half of it and save the rest for dinner.

Severus leans in close to James and they fall asleep to a kids cartoon playing on the tv.

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