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Okayyy this one needs a few trigger warnings

TW for implied self harm and self deprecation


Will knocked on the door to the Hades Cabin, grinning widely. He and Nico had a date. He was excited. However, there was no answer. He furrowed his eyebrows, knocking again. There was once again no answer. Will tried the door. It opened easily. That was the first red flag. 

Nico always locked his door. Will glanced around. The room was trashed. The second red flag. Will's heart started racing. "Nico?" He called softly.

The third red flag came in the form of a sob escaping from the bathroom. Will hurried over to it. "Nico, love? Are you in there?" He asked. No answer, just more sobs. Will's heart felt like it was breaking. "Nico, I'm gonna come in. Is that okay?" He whispered. There was a hiccup and a muttered yes. Will opened the door slowly.

Nico was on the floor in front of a full length mirror. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and his hair was scruffy. His face was stained with tears. Will collapsed to his side, pulling him into a hug. Nico shook in the blonde's arms.

"What do you like about me, Will?" The pale boy murmured, his voice wavering. Will pulled away, looking at him.


Nico looked up at him. "I have no redeeming qualities. I'm not attractive, I have a shitty personality, and I have so many problems. What do you like about me?" He whispered. Will blinked.

"I... Don't know, honestly. Everything I guess. I love your eyes. Your smile. The way you stick your tongue out when you concentrate. The way you curl into me when I touch you. The look in your eyes when we go stargazing. How you can always make me smile, just by being yourself. Your sarcasm, that's somehow annoying and endearing at the same time," Will rambled on. Nico's eyes burned.

"Why? I don't understand. I hate my smile."

"Well, I think it's cute." Will cupped Nico's cheek in his hand. "And it's okay to be insecure. To have insecurities. You wanna talk about them? What do you not like about yourself?" Will whispered. Nico stared in the mirror.

He lightly touched his lips. "I don't like my smile. Or my nose," he started, whispering. Will nodded, looking into the mirror. "Or my..." he touched his wrists. Will knew without looking that there were white scars littering his forearms. "I don't like my scars." Will tousled Nico's hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Nico looked up at him.

"Are you insecure about anything?" He whispered. Will glanced into the mirror.

"Yeah," he whispered. Nico looked at him expectantly. He took off his plaid shirt, pulling it onto Nico. He twisted his hands over. His wrists were littered with almost invisible scars. "When Lee and Michael died," he murmured, his eyes burning. Nico leaned down and lightly kissed each of Will's wrists. "And my face structure. People said I had a really feminine face as a kid and it hurt I guess. It sorta stuck with me," his voice was barely above a whisper.

Nico stared up at his boyfriend. He thought the boy in front of him was the most gorgeous person on Earth.

"I think you're handsome," he whispered. Will smiled softly, taking Nico's face in his hands.

"I think you're beautiful, just the way you are." He smiled. He pressed their foreheads together. "It's okay to have insecurities. We'll get through them together." He pressed a soft kiss to Nico's nose. Nico nodded, turning his head as Will went to kiss his cheek so their lips met instead. Will's eyes widened in shock, but he went with it.

They pulled away and Will smiled softly. "You're amazing," he whispered.

Nico smiled. "Not as amazing as you," he whispered back.

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