Thirty Seven

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"Rory? Am I alright to take my lunch? It's gone quiet now." Penny poked her head into the back and I lifted mine from where Jamie was sweeping up the pile of flour he'd thrown at me in and amongst our baking bonanza. By which I mean he wanted to make cupcakes for the store but they kept coming out wrong so I was forcing him to make his 3rd batch.

"Sure, thing Pen. THAT'S MY FEET JAMIE!" I giggled, stepping backwards. We'd met up for coffee the morning after I text him, talked for a few hours about how he'd been with me and how I didn't think it was acceptable. He'd apologised, and since then, nothing but sweet words had left his mouth. No hints of anger, no changes in temperament. He was the Jamie everyone thought he was. He said he'd been having a rough week at work and that, paired with the lack of sleep he was getting from him worrying about me. Hours of it always coming back to him needing to check his attitude and that I wasn't going to accept it from him. He agreed. Wholeheartedly. And had been making those changes over the past month.

Gus wasn't sure what happened between me and Griffin. I think people had picked up on whatever it was being really bad. Every mention of his name turned me red in the face and I'd have to walk away abruptly before I went on a rant. Gus told me he'd advised Griffin not to come home like he had been planning to and if he did to stay out of my way. A warning he'd never given him before but I'd been there when he told him. Gus was looking at me like he was genuinely worried what I'd do. 'I don't know what you've done Griffin, but I've never seen her like this'. He whispered on my back porch, the girls laughing in the kitchen as I tidied up the couch, Declan rambling on about what was wrong with my car in the middle of the room, wiping his hands on a dirty rag. 'We can't even mention you around her now. What the fuck did you do?'

Jamie ran the brush over my bare ankles again, reaching across the pile and almost falling face first into the mess as I jumped well out of his reach. He chuckled, cleaning up the mess he'd made and dumping it into the bin.

"Remind me why you don't just get someone to cover Pen's lunches?"

"Because that costs money we don't have."

"You said you've picked up lately."

"We have." I nodded. "A lot. But I want it to be longer term than a month before I hire someone new. It could go quiet again soon and I don't want to fire someone. Besides, that's what you're here for."

"What? To work for you?"

"Yes." I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. "I'm sorry we have to be here on a Saturday. It'd be nice if we could go out or whatever but-"

"Saturday's are what have made the difference. I know." He kissed my cheek. "I don't mind. Just being with you is enough and we have Sunday's."

"Yes. What are we doing tomorrow?"

"I have plans."

"You made plans?" I gasped dramatically.

"Mhm. Want to hear them?"

"I do."

"I'm coming to pick you up, bringing you for breakfast. Then we need to pop to mine because I need to grab some things I'm going to sort tonight but I can't bring them to get you and breakfast because they'll go all gross."

"Food?" He rolled his eyes, lifting me up to the counter.

"You ruin all my plans. Yes. A picnic. No, I'm not telling you what's in it and no you're not allowed to bring anything. I want you to eat treats that weren't made by you so you can enjoy them without criticizing yourself for once." He chuckled, kissing the opposite cheek to the one he just had. "And then I'm taking you to an undisclosed location that I have already cleared with Zoe and Gus."

"Wow. Double cleared. That's essentially FBI approved."

"Exactly." He grinned. "And we're going to walk, eat and relax for the day. I have some little games planned."

"Games too? I am lucky!" He laughed. "I'm excited now."

"Me too Rory." The bell rung and he helped me down to the floor. "I'll keep tidying up."


"RORY. Get your butt out here." I smiled, purposely taking my time now I knew who it was. "RIGHT NOW."

"Alright Zoe. Calm your tits." I pushed into the front. "Sup." She grasped Gus' arm and sighed, catching her breath. "What's up with you two?"

"Just needed to make sure you were here."

"Where else would I be?" I chuckled, tidying up the counter. "Jamie's in the back Gus. Tidying up HIS MESS."

"I AM!" He shouted back and I laughed, Gus moving through to go see him.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

"Um-" She looked over her shoulder and groaned. "Look someone else is gonna tell you. He's back."

"Who's back?"

"Rory-" She sighed, approaching the counter again. "He's back." Oh.

"Okay and?" I gave her a gentle smile. "He's dead to me." She pressed her lips together. "I'm serious. Let him come around, let him show up at the pub tonight. He's not getting to think what he did upset me. He wants to come back against all the advice, let him. It's his home town as much as it's mine." I reloaded the new till roll, closing it back up and pressing the button to force some through so I knew it was working. "Now, want a cupcake? Jamie has made about a million because he doesn't know how to bake."

"I KNOW HOW TO BAKE." I moved around the counter, going into the back room where Gus and Jamie were talking about the same thing I had been with Zoe. Except they didn't know why it was a big deal. Just that I didn't like the guy and that I was a danger to him. Jamie wrapped his arms around me as I stood in front of him, kissing my temple quickly.

"These look so bad Jamie." Zoe laughed, pulling one of the little cakes apart. "How are they so dry?"

"He over cooked them and didn't use me recipe like I told him to."

"Because what's the point in me following your recipe, you might as well make them then."

"Exactly. I know mine are perfect. Can't fault them then." The group laughed at me, knowing it was completely true and correct. "So, how about tonight we do drinks at mine? It's pretty warm but we can put the fire pit on turn the music up? A little house party? Piper's birthday party?" I turned to Jamie. "Stay in the spare room if you want."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Saves you driving home, means you can chill out with us, drink, be merry as they say."

"That's Christmas Rory."

"Oh well." I shrugged. "There's enough flour on the floor here for it to be classed as snow. Do I need to teach you how to sweep up Henderson?" 

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