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With my bridesmaids dress safely laid on the backseat of my car, I'd parked up outside of the bridal shop, ready to collect the satin ball gown Piper had gone with. A timeless classic gown that looked so good on her I cried for 3 hours, out of her sight, obviously.

"Hi there Aurora."

"Hi Alice. Just here to pick up Piper's dress." Alice smiled. We'd gone to school together and with our initials starting the same way, both of us being AS, we were never far away from each other.

"Of course, when's the big day?"

"Saturday." She beamed.

"That's come around so quickly. Hold on I'll grab it for you." I nodded and she walked into the back room. Looking around all the dresses, I sighed, running my fingers over them delicately. "I can't believe she's getting married. She's so young!"

"23." I nodded. "It's unbelievable. But she's been with Dec since they were teenagers. Like 14."

"That long ago?"

"Don't, I still see her as this tiny kid stealing my barbies and throwing them at my head." Alice laughed from the back room.

"And here we are, old crones with nothing better to do with our lives and no prospects."

"Here, here." I chuckled and turned back to her as she held the giant bag. "She had to go with the heaviest gown in the world."

"Trust me, this is nothing to some of the ones we put out of here sometimes. I had one last week that needed 3 people to carry it to her car."

"I could never."

"Me neither. I want the lightest thing when I eventually get married."

"Me too. Just simple." She nodded and I took the bag, eyes widening. "Okay, anything I need to know?"

"You got the steamer?"


"Okay, I steamed it this morning so it should be okay, I'd take it out the bag as soon as you get home and hang it as high as you can so the train can settle too. Anything should drop out then but if you need to, the steamer should work. If not, I'm not doing anything Saturday so give me a call, I'll come sort it and help you in. Do you remember how to lace up the corset?"

"She made me buy one online so I could practice." Alice laughed. "I think we're okay on that front Alice, thank you for all the extra help, I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem at all. Make sure you bring pictures in when they come back."

"Oh, without a doubt." She pulled the door open for me and I headed out, thanking the lord the rain had stopped as I got the dress into the car without a problem, just in time for my phone to ring. I took a deep breath before answering.


"Only me."

"Thank god. I was worried it was going to be Piper for the 17th time today."

"Its 3.45."

"Exactly. I'm not even joking Zoe. You need picking up?"

"I'm just getting my stuff. Be outside in 5."

"Got it. I'm just getting in the car so I'll see you there." I hung up, not giving her a second to respond as it started to rain again.

I once thought the second I finished school I'd skip this tiny town. I used to hate it so much once I hit being a late teenager. Everyone knowing your business, seeing you and knowing your history. But mum and dad died so I had to hang around for Piper and in the 2 years between that happening and Piper finishing college, I had fallen in love with the community that had a timetable of people coming around every day. Andrea kept control of it all when I told her it was a little over whelming, talking to the vicar and he went around knocking on everyone's doors to amend it so we were only getting check on 3 times a week.

It was hard. Going from a carefree 20-year-old with literally no life plan. To being the legal guardian of a nearly 16-year-old. I had to handle everything for her whilst trying to keep myself tied together and it was the hardest thing I'd ever have to do. I was so lucky I had a support network that kept me steady. Zoe was there for me like Declan was for Piper. Dropping everything at a moment's notice and if she couldn't because of school, Andrea did. Andrea was mum's best friend. We'd always been close, my family and hers, but after the crash, Andrea was here probably every day, cooking and cleaning and helping me learn how to parent a teenager when I was only just out of the teenage stage myself.

The car door opened, pulling me from where I'd laid my head on the steering wheel for a few moments of peace. Mine and Zoe's playlist playing in the background as she slipped in, exhausted from her day.

"Can you remind me why I thought teaching 5-year-olds was a good idea?"

"Because you love kids."

"HA." I sat up running my hands through my greasy hair. I'd missed a wash day just so I could line it up with tomorrow and it was grossing me out but it looked better down than up so down it was. "Can we go back in time and tell me how gross they are? I had to blow one of their snotty noses about 50 times today."


"What's up with you? You're not making jokes."

"I'm exhausted. The sooner this wedding is over with the better." I sighed. "We're on favour duty tonight and I still need to ice the cake so I can decorate it in the morning."

"Good job I brought my toothbrush then. Let's go. No time like the present." She reached over and turned the volume up as her favourite bridge to her favourite song came on. "It's like a reward for all the snotty kids."

"Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're 'bout to cry
I know your favourite songs
And you tell me 'Bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me."

The thing that had tied me to Zoe, all the way back in year 7, was Taylor Swift. It was practically all we ever played and wherever we were, Taylor was on the radio. Our playlist hadn't changed much. Just songs added to it. There was hundreds of songs on it now and since I was essentially at work or with Zoe, these songs were playing constantly. Loud and obnoxious and we would scream the lyrics until other people were around. Taylor had gotten me through everything. Her music and Zoe had given me a safe space to feel every emotion I needed to. Even now, she was the soundtrack to my life. I don't think there was ever going to be a time when I didn't listen to her.

"She didn't have to go so damn hard on these rerecords."

"You say that every single time." I laughed, pulling into the front drive. "Okay you're getting my dress."


"Because if Piper see's you carrying hers she'll have a panic attack about you falling."

"I'm not that-" Zoe started, tripping as she climbed out of the car and then grumbled to herself. "Fine." 

I know.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum