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I slumped down to the floor, pushing my back against the bar in the mostly empty reception room. 1am and I was officially exhausted after the 5am wake up I'd had to make sure everything was right this morning, get the cake here, check in on the groom. Seeing Piper smiling all day was worth every single second. Every call, every break down, every 3am burst into my room. Knowing she was that happy was worth it all, no matter how drained I was.

I couldn't watch her leave though. Not where everyone else was right now, outside with more dried flower confetti and sparklers. I'd said my goodbyes to her a few moments ago, knowing I'd probably cry and she didn't need that. So here I sat, drowning in another bottle of champagne and skipping out on the glass, as people cleaned up around me. I pulled on my dress, tugging it to the side slightly so my legs could breathe.

"Skipping out on goodbyes?" I lifted my head, tilting it at someone I don't think I was expecting.

"Jamie Henderson." He smiled, sitting down beside me with his own bottle of beer. "What are you doing here Mr. big time TV star?" Jamie chuckled at me, clearly I was a little drunker than I thought I was.

"My mother's plus one."

"Ah. Good old Moira."

"She hates coming to events alone so I usually get beckoned."

"The things oldest children do huh?"

"Anything and everything."

"Anything and everything." I nodded, drinking from the bottle again.

"Beautiful wedding, congratulations."

"It's not me who got married Jamie."

"No, but you did all the work. Got her here. I know I've not been around for it all but, mum keeps me up to date on town and everything so I hear about everything you do. Not just for Piper. Mum said something about you pulling a shift for her last week?"

"I popped in and she was going on about how she had an appointment so she was just closing. I still remember everything from my shifts after school so I said I'd do it. No biggie."

"It is a biggie though Rory," I grumbled, finishing the bottle with an exaggerated sigh. "I'm in town for a few days. We should hang out."

"As lovely as that would be, I'm a very busy lady." I pulled myself to my feet, grabbing my shoes and purse from the chair beside me and taking a second for the room to stop spinning. Jamie chuckled, helping me stay up straight as I put a hand over my head. "Me and champagne don't mix. We never have. I have no idea why I thought drinking a bottle of vodka last night and then getting plastered on champagne was a great idea." I laughed at myself, looking up at Jamie with a weak smile. "How embarrassing."

"Nothing embarrassing about it Rory. It's been a big day. Can't imagine it's been easy."

"It has not Jamie. Easy is not what it has been." I looked around the room and pulling the strap of my bag over my shoulder "I should get home before the rest of that bottle kicks in and I'm suddenly laid on the floor ranting at you about the people that annoy me in this town."

"I would love to hear you rant at me about people here."

"Trust me, you really don't."

"Let me guess? Griffin Taylor?" I snarled and Jamie laughed. "I noticed you glaring at him all night." Jamie held out an arm for me, face littered with a soft smile, the hint of the dimples that had me entranced in high school breaking free on his cheeks. "Let's get you home then Stephens. You can tell me all about your qualms with the world."

I tilted my head slightly at him, dark blond hair still as much of a mess atop his head, the same light blue eyes. Nothing much had changed with him, though nothing ever seemed to around here. People got taller and that's about it. Like as soon as they step back on home ground they become the spitting image of who they were when they were last here and that just goes on forever.

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