Twenty Two

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My phone started ringing out the alarm and I groaned, reaching my arm out behind me for it. Hitting it until it stopped ringing. I really didn't want to get up. Definitely a few too many drinks last night and I was paying for it now my head was throbbing.

"Morning." I'm sorry? I opened my eyes, heart racing at someone being in my bed. I do not remember anything past my third drink. I honestly, don't even remember the quiz. And now I'm waking up with someone in my bed on a Thursday Morning? What the hell? "Ror?" I scooted backwards, unable to make out who they were with their face so close to mine. He shuffled back and somehow, knowing it was Griffin did not make me feel any better. "Rory?"

"Um. Hi." I sat up, looking around my room and dragging my hands over my face. I felt behind me for my phone, checking the time. "Shit."

"What's up?" I climbed out of bed, grabbing some workout clothes from my drawer and locking myself in the bathroom. "Rory? What's wrong?"

"I am supposed to meet Gus in 10 minutes." I turned the shower on, jumping in and quickly washing my body, climbing out a few seconds later and quickly drying myself, throwing the sports bra and leggings on, pulling my hair up into a pony tail. I unlocked the door, pulling it open to a worried, still fully dressed Griffin. He pulled his finger out of his mouth from where he'd been chewing on his nail. I spat the toothpaste into the sink, wiping over my face with some micellar water and turning to him. "I have no idea what happened last night but no one can know about it."

"Rory. Nothing happened." He stepped forward and I backed up, holding my hands up at him. "Aurora. I promise. Nothing happened. I brought you home, you started falling asleep on me and I told you I didn't want to go so we got ready for bed and slept. You got changed in here. The most that happened is I held your hand walking home." I swallowed. "I'd never try anything whilst you were drunk Ror." My phone buzzed on the side, text from Gus.

7:05am- Gus
You still coming today or are you dead?

I grabbed my phone, moving past Fin with as much space between us as I could manage. I grabbed my normal bag, throwing in a change of clothes for later, checking I had everything for the day before turning back around to Fin.

"Do you remember what I told you last night?"

"I don't even remember doing the quiz Griffin." I put my hand on my head. "What the hell happened to Jamie?" I scrolled through my phone, a handful of pissed of texts from him. "Oh no no no no."


"What did I say to him Griffin?" He narrowed his eyes.

"To Henderson? Why do you care? He was an absolute twat last night. He was 100% going to try something when he brought you home."

"I knew I shouldn't have drunk that much." I put my hand on my forehead, walking down to the kitchen, Fin hot on my heels.

"Rory. You can't seriously be concerned about him." I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, tossing it to him before grabbing my own.

"This is none of your concern."

"Considering I just woke up in bed with you Aurora, I think it is."

"You said nothing happened."

"It didn't."

"Then it's none of your concern."


"Have you got everything? Phone, anything else you brought?"

"Yeah." I nodded. Fin put his arm over the door way, stopping me from getting out. "Why are you freaking out?"

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