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The room filled with chatter again as everyone started standing from their seats, leaving in a hurry to carry on with their days. Zoe looked at me with hopeful eyes and I shook my head. Nothing. 6 years and still nothing. I'm sure one day there will be. There has to be something, some miracle moment where the sun shines through the window and I'm back in the beauty of life before all of this. There has to be a point where I'm put back into it. This can't possibly be a part of his plan. Why would he want to have me doubting him? It doesn't make any sense and now I was starting to get frustrated. I was trying. I was forcing myself here every god damn week I followed everything we're supposed to. I prayed every single night.

"We've got to go Rory. Pop by this week if you get a chance." I nodded at Moira, hugging her before she dragged Gus out of the church, Griffin nowhere to be seen which was no surprise. Probably skipped town in the middle of a prayer. I know he wasn't exactly a believer himself but why come if you're going to leave half way through? What a waste of everyone's time.

"Okay, no doubt the vicar is going to come over here and talk about Piper and I honestly, would love to but I have to go. I've got some homework to mark since I haven't had chance yet this weekend."

"No worries. Pizza at mine tomorrow night?"

"You bet. I'll bring pizza, you bring whatever you bring." Zoe smiled nodding her head back in the direction of the doors. "I want details the second you can."

"I might keep you waiting until tomorrow."

"If you even keep me waiting until midnight I will personally kick your door in." I chuckled at her, grabbing the rubbish from the seats before turning to her. "See yah later."


"Toodles." She laughed, shaking her head at me before fading into the rest of the crowd.

She was right. It took a few seconds for Matthew to make his way over. A middle aged white man which comes as no surprise to anyone. He wasn't as judgmental as other vicars I'd met. Though that was to say about the whole congregation. We talked for a little while in the empty church, tidying up as I always did. A routine I followed to a T, something mum had instilled into me and Piper from a very young age.

By the time we were finished, we'd covered the wedding, the reception, the sermon and the bakery and the next town wedding in a few months' time which, luckily, I was only asked to bake the cake for. Not a chance was I putting wedding planner on my list of ever growing town tasks. Matthew left and I headed to the front of the church, tidying up the leaflets on the tables.

I was starting to think I was avoiding leaving. Nerves taking control over me as I collected things together that didn't need tidying.

"You can't be serious about Henderson."

"Do you even know how to start conversations like a normal person? Hi Aurora, how are you? That simple."

"I'm not bothered. I am, however, bothered about you going on a date with him."

"Why? It's not like it's any of your business Taylor." I turned to face him. I'd worn heeled botts today and I was very thankful it cut out a good few inches of our height difference, bringing me up so my head was just over his shoulder.

"I'm making it my business."

"Oh? Just like that?" He scowled and I couldn't help but chuckle at his fake protective thing he had going on.


"And you really think I'm going to let some stranger in on my business?" I cocked my own eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"I'm not a stranger."

"Oh, you're right. I forgot, this isn't only the 2nd conversation we've had in over a decade." He stared at me, blank face with no emotion and that was bugging me even more. "Just go back to London Griffin. I don't know why you're hanging around."

"I'm not going back yet."

"Later tonight? Got it."

"Rory-" He sighed. "Come on."

"Tomorrow morning then?" He put his head back on his shoulders and I stood up straight, dusting myself off. "Whenever it is, have a safe trip. I'll see you whenever we're graced by your presence again."

"Can we cut out this whole thing and just talk? Please?"

"Talk about what exactly?"

"You always saying I'm never here."

"You never are here. Or am I not seeing something?" I gasped. "Are you coming home in a head to toe camo outfit? That would explain me not seeing you."

"See, I know you're joking but this is what I'm talking about."

"But you're never here Griffin. You come home for 2 days over Christmas. Not even a full 2 days. You get to your mums at like 8pm Christmas eve and you're gone boxing day morning before anyone wakes up."

"I have other things I need to do."

"Oh, I know. Work and your personal life. I get it. It's fine." I shrugged.

"Are you really being bratty over me not seeing you when I come home?"

"I'm not being bratty."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Rory." He sighed. "What's really the problem? We can't keep arguing like this. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep knowing you hate me for something so damn stupid 10 years ago."

"I don't hate you."

"Then why are you acting like it? We used to be friends. And now I don't have a single clue what's going on with you. You're sat on the floor drinking instead of being with your sister, you're apparently exceptionally busy. You've been dating people out of town? When did that happen?"

"Again, none of your business." He groaned.

"I'm around until Friday."

"Good for you."

"I'll come around this week."

"I won't be home."

"That's why I'm not telling you when I'm going to come around." I stared at him, scrunching my eyebrows together. "We're going to talk about whatever Rory, you can't avoid it."

"Can and will. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date I would much rather be on than stood here talking to a guy who doesn't know the meaning of friends." I raised both my eyebrows and turned on my heels, walking out of the church before he could grab me again and stop me.

"There you are! I was starting to think you'd snook out the back door." Jamie waited at the stairs for me, that same smile as I got closer to him.

"Sorry, I got roped into conversation with a certain Taylor brother." I looked over my shoulder, Griffin closing the church door behind him but standing on the step, staring at me. I turned back to Jamie, dropped my shoulders with a huff and smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." He extended his hand, gesturing up the road towards his car. "After you." 

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