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"Sorry. Max number of people in a team is 4."

"Come on Sara. It's just one more person."

"No can do bubs." Sara smirked from behind the bar. "I'd recommend a 3 and a 2." She handed us 2 clipboards and pens, me and August returning to the table in the corner.

"Can't do a 5. Got to be a 3 and a 2 unless someone wants to go by themselves. I sat back down in my seat at the end of the table in the middle of the bench. Jamie immediately putting his hand on my upper thigh. I couldn't stand being near him right now. Every touch was making me feel sick. "I think we dump Griffin off with Rory, we'll have a better chance of winning without him."

"Hey!" Fin defended.

"So, I get stuck with him? That's not fair."

"No. No, it is." Zoey smirked. "You're too good at these. I don't want to be against you but at least if you've got brain damaged Taylor-"

"That was uncalled for Everard."

"How many concussions have you had in your life Taylor?"

"Six. But in my defence-"

"In your defence, nothing. Brain. Damaged. Rory gets him." For god's sake. Fin didn't put up more of a fight, moved into the corner of the booth beside me, taking the clipboard and scribbling down the team name 'I can't read this'

"Come here." Fin grabbed my hand, tugging gently and I shuffled down to him.

"I can't read this? What kind of team name is that?" Gus called from across the table, Fin immediately scowling and shifting a little closer to me before lifting me over him. He sat me in the gap between the wall and him, pulling my legs over his lap and putting the clipboard on my thighs, out of view of everyone.

"Let me guess. You guys have put The A Team or something?" Fin raised an eyebrow at August who pouted, scribbling his name out on the paper. "So predictable." I looked over at Jamie who's face had turned a shade of red, eyes looking between me and all the points my body was touching Griffin. He tapped my side gently, dragging my attention back to him. I turned my head slightly, his face pulling up in a little smile. "You okay?" I nodded and he lowered his brow, leaning forward to my ear. "Gus told me what Henderson did. I'm walking you home. Don't worry about it okay? Relax, drink." He pulled my glass towards me and looked up at Gus. "Next rounds on me August."

"Fucking win." Fin lifted his hips a little, pulling his wallet out and handing his card over the table to his brother. I stopped him as he went to close his wallet, taking it from his hand and pulling out a photo of us he had in there.

"I forgot I had that." He pulled me a little closer on his lap.

"You've had this in here all this time?"

"Every wallet I get I put it in yeah." He nodded, turning the photo over and looking at the date with a smile. "I was probably 8 here so you'd have been 6."

"Why have I never seen this photo before?" He shrugged. I brought it closer to my face, trying to look a little closer. Both of us sat side by side in mums old office, what she turned into the second seating room a few years after this was taken. Sat on a tiny stool, barely big enough for us both as we played the piano. "I remember this! I fell off and hit my head on the corner of the piano foot. I've still got the scar!"

"Really?" I nodded lifting my hair out the way and running my finger over the corner until I found the indent. "Here, see?" I took his hand doing the same thing until he laughed at it. The quiz master started his introduction, cracking a few jokes but my head was completely lost in Fin having a photo of us two in his wallet. Even after all these years. Faded and a little tatty around the edges so I knew it wasn't newly put in there. I looked at Fin who was already watching me, he smiled and I slid the photo back in, handing him his wallet back. "I can't believe you have that." He leaned up to my ear again, the hand he had under my back holding onto me gently.

"I like having you close. Like this or on an old picture or in my head. You're always here Rory. In everything I do. Always have been."

"QUESTION ONE." I turned my head as a drink was slid down in front of me, the quiz starting and food being put down on the other table. Zoe split it up, passing some down to our table and Fin reached over, pulling closer to us both as I wrote down our first answer.

"You sure that's right?"

"Shut up." I smiled. "Of course, it is."

"Are you sure though because I'd have gone with a straight 100. That number seems too high. Oddly specific."

"Do you want me to trade with Gus? Because I will."

"No." He pouted, handing me mozzarella stick. "I'll feed you, you answer."

"Done deal but don't you dare tell me the answers are wrong. I win every single one of these."

"Every one?"

"Yeah. Every one." Zoe rolled her eyes. "It's sickening how much general knowledge she has."

"We had an argument last week because people thought we were cheating she had that much correct."

"My phone is literally turned off with Sara so no one can accuse me of that this week." I smiled, chewing on the food.

"So, we're gonna win?"

"It's pretty much a guarantee." I nodded, Fin's huge smile taking over his face again. "I don't like losing." His hand gripped my side and I flinched. The grasp turned to light tickles and I had to put my hand over his to stop him before I burst into laughter and had all eyes on us.

"I know." He turned his hand, looping his fingers between mine, closing his hand tightly. Maybe it was the 3 double gins I had downed in the past 90 minutes but my stomach filled with butterflies as Fin laid his head on my shoulder. "I don't like losing either."

"I know." 

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