Twenty One

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"But I really want to do karaoke." I pouted, Fin holding onto my shoulders, trying to hide the fact he was laughing at me.

"You're wasted Rory. You're going home."

"But it's so early!"

"Rory-" Jamie grabbed my hip, turning me around to face him. "You need to go home and sleep darling. Come on."

"Oh, no Jamie. You're good man. You brought your car down here, might as well get off home. Don't you have an early start tomorrow?"

"I can walk her home." He scowled, draping his arm over my shoulders. I was too drunk right now. Stupid idea really but I needed the damn alcohol to handle all of Fin's touching. The three drinks I'd had when he started holding my hand was the perfect start sure, nothing really escalated from there but every time I started sobering up, I was hit with this reminder of who else was here. The entire town could see this. I was so worried about people asking me about it and I didn't know. I didn't even know what was happening myself. The more I drunk, the less I thought about it all. "I can walk my girlfriend home, right Rory?"

"Not your- girlfriend." I hiccupped, looking up at him. I didn't like the look in his eyes and instantly retreated back until I felt Fin's chest on my back. "We had 1 date. Then you have been an ass since." Zoe stared at me with wide eyes and I snickered. "I don't think I was supposed to say that." Jamie looked to Zoe and then me.

"You're a hell of a lot more drunk than you look Aurora." He rubbed his forehead and sighed. "I'll see you on Saturday like we said."

"Bye Jamie!" I waved as he walked down the street to his car that he'd ran to get when we were 2 drinks deep, saying he might not be able to go back to mine depending when we ended up leaving. Zoe and Gus shook their heads at me, chuckling as soon as he was out of ear shot. "He's gonna be madd."

"I think he is mad." Gus chuckled. "Serves him right."

"I don't like him." Zoe huffed.

"Me neither." I scrunched my face up and looked up at Griffin. "Can I do karaoke now?"

"No Shortcake. I'm getting you home to bed. Gus are you alright walking Zoe home?"

"I don't need a babysitter Griffin."

"Gusss." I pouted at him. "Can you walk Zoe home?" Zoe groaned and I giggled. "Please?"

"Just for you Rory." I stepped forward and kissed his cheek.

"Remind me to tip you tomorrow." He laughed. "Game in the morning?"

"Same time as always." Gus nodded and turned to a grumpy Zoe who stomped her foot and headed in the direction of her place.

"Bye Zoe!" She held up a middle finger, not even turning to say bye herself and I just shook my head. "The cheek of her."

"She'll be fine. Just drunk. Come on piss head. Let's get you home."

"I don't know if going home with you is a great idea." I said, still heading in the right direction. I was pretty sure I was walking straight. Almost 100% so. But Fin looped an arm around my waist anyway.

"Why not?"

"Because you might try what you did this afternoon."

"I wouldn't whilst you're drunk Rory."

"Even if I was sober."

"You wouldn't want me too?"

"I don't know." I huffed at him. "Stop asking me difficult questions. I answered many tonight as it is."

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