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He hadn't showed at lunch time. He'd text a few times but I honestly had only read the notifications, not the actual texts. I didn't want him thinking I was ignoring him. I mean I was but like Zoe said, I didn't want to cause a scene over nothing. I was still a little ticked off honestly, confused about his attitude and how it was possible for it to change that quickly. It was disorientating and I wasn't sure if I liked this whole me worrying over it so much. I'm sure I just caught him in a weak moment but it still just wasn't sitting right. I needed to sit on it a bit longer to clarify if I was just being a bitch about it or if I was genuinely concerned.

Either way, I was trying not to think about it. The bakery had been pretty quiet today so I'd let Penny go home early. I had the door to the back wide open so I could see anyone that came in. Days like this happened a little more frequently than I'd like to admit. I had to send Penny home early to save on staffing costs which sucked but it was either that or run this place completely alone which wasn't doable.

I had caught up on a lot of things. 4 batches of pastry dough made and frozen so all I'd need to do the next time I needed it was pop it in the fridge overnight and it would be good to go. I'd made cupcakes and frozen them too. Wrapped up tight in batches so I could defrost them instead of needing to bake on a night. I preferred doing this over baking on a night. It meant I actually got to relax on a night instead of worrying about getting everything done. I'd done more than enough for a week so I knew this coming week was going to be chilled out and I'd also pretty much cleared up my weekend now too. I might just keep up on this keep a little back log.

The bell rang and I sighed, looking down at the almost finished biscuit dough.

"I'll be through in just a second."

"It's only me." I scowled, looking at the clock as Fin's head appeared in the door. "I saw the lights still on when I was setting off to yours."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see the time."

"Hey, it's fine. I'm not in any rush Ror. Take your time. Need me to do anything?"

"Yeah can you just lock the front door and turn the sign for me? Keys are behind you, hung up." He grabbed the keys from behind him, wandering back to the door. I can't explain how it felt having Griffin back in this capacity. I know he was leaving again so soon so I wasn't going to be getting attached to him being around. But just having him in some capacity was a weird concept now. 10 years is a long time to not speak to someone and now we were back to hanging out. I'm not going to say there wasn't a huge amount of resentment towards him right now but that was something I would have to work on myself and that wasn't his fault. He was actively trying, he'd apologised and I knew it was heart felt too. He didn't have anything to gain in becoming friends with me again. Not really. Nor did he have anything to loose in not being my friend and us continuing as we have been. Sure, it was a little rough for Moira and Gus but they didn't have to deal with it that often.

He came back into the room as I wrote the date and what I'd made on a sticker, laying it in the middle of the dough that I'd just finished wrapping up to save it from freezer burn. I could feel him watching me as I wrapped up the second load of dough I'd done, doing the same with that.

"Busy day?"

"Always something to do around here." I looked up at him with an exhausted smile. "How about you?"

"Not super busy. Helped mum with some decorating."

"Explains the white hands."

"It's flour."

"Flour? As in-" I pointed at the counter top where mine was covered and he nodded. I picked up the dough, walking to the back to the room and putting the little rolls into my freezer, grabbing my cleaning chemicals on the way back to where I'd been stood. "Why are you covered in flour?"

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