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I pulled the door open, greeted with a very grumpy looking Zoe.

"Uh- oh."

"Uh-oh indeed." I stood aside, letting Zoe in. She moved straight to the kitchen opening the bottle of wine I had on the counter and pouring 2 glasses. "Pizza is on the way. I couldn't be arsed cooking after the day I had."

"Oh no."

"Mhm. But firstly. Why did Taylor turn up at lunch today, two of your little pastry bags in hand. Gave one to Gus and then gave me the softest smile as he handed me mine?"

"No clue. I was in the back with Jamie." She raised an eye brow. "Okay maybe I know. I need to talk to you about them both, actually."

"Both of them?"


"Okay. Let's start from the beginning." She handed me the glass, walking into the living room and sitting down in her usual spot. "How was the date?"

"Brilliant. We got brunch and went for a walk around one of the parks. I was back home by 4, he kissed me again. Perfect gentleman. I don't think I've laughed that hard on a first date before. It was nice. Not awkward at all. We chatted about the church and me struggling with it."

"Oh shit, really?"

"Yeah, in loads of detail too. He was fully engaged, asked questions had insightful things to say."

"Insightful how?"

"Like, okay, so he thinks Christianity is a book with a big fan club." Zoe laughed, looking back at me as it turned to a calmer chuckle. "Stuff like that. I won't give you all the details but yeah, it was a really fun date. Really good food too. But he dropped me off I said I'd invite him in-"

"Oh aye."

"Not like that." I lowered my brow. "Just for coffee or whatever, but the house was still a tip from the wedding and I said I refuse for it to be seen it was that bad. So, he left and I cleaned and showered and everything. I'm baking at like 8 and there's a knock at the door so I answer and there stands Griffin."

"What did he want?"

"He told me before I left with Jamie yesterday morning that he would come see me but he wasn't telling me when so I couldn't avoid him."

"Smart move."

"I thought so too. Anyway, he came in all cocky and everything but he told me about what really happened between him and Kelsie and Shannon. He broke up with Kels because he liked Shannon and Kels gave him the go ahead to get with her or whatever so he did."

"You believe him?"

"Kels told me the same story a few years ago when we met up for a coffee so yeah." She nodded. "So, he tells me that and apologizes for calling me the names and I apologised for causing the ruckus because if I hadn't have said anything, Kelsie would have had the chance to tell us about the break up and everything wouldn't have gotten so blown out of proportions."

"Okay yeah fair enough, your bad."

"Right, so I apologised. I'm making him a cuppa right and he says he was sorry about my parents and that it must have been hard."

"2 things on that. ABOUT DAMN TIME. Only took him 6 years. Secondly, of course it was freaking hard. And where was he-"

"Calm down Zoe. I'm getting to it. I went on this massive rant about how he hadn't been here and how he hadn't even cared to contact me after everything and the New Years Party and how that looked and how he didn't even know I had the bakery or anything and at the end he apologised. Said he knew it wouldn't make up for everything and blah blah blah but he actually apologised and hugged me."

"He hugged you?"

"Yes. Like a really deep, grounding hug. It was like I was wrapped in a weighted blanket and I could feel myself just decompress under him. Then we ended up just talking for a few hours. Just sat here and caught up and we've decided that he's going to work his ass off to make up for not being here as best as he can. He wants to be and I'm quoting him here 'the friend he should have been back then and the friend I deserve to have.'"


"Not aimed at you obviously. But he is trying. I think. He showed up at lunch today and I was just sat with Jamie in the back but I went out the front and he smiled. Like a proper, toothy huge smile he used to give me in high school. And for like a split second, it's like we were sat on the field again with everyone."

"Right so where does Jamie come into this?"

"Someone came into the shop so I told Fin to go back and he did. I checked stock and everything and when I went back in they looked like they were about to kill each other."

"Griffin and Jamie?"



"I don't have a clue." I drunk from my wine glass and shrugged. "They were just staring at each other. Have you ever seen Jamie mad?"


"See neither have I. But I saw it today and it was kind of terrifying. Anyway, I gave Fin the things for you and Gus and sent him on his way and when he left Jamie immediately said 'what happened with me and Fin last night' so I said nothing he came over to clear the air and we talked. I asked him if that was a problem, me being friends with Fin and he said no so I asked what was going on with them both and he snapped at me, said nothing was going on and to stop asking. But like kind of aggressively."

"Jamie? I didn't think he had a bone like that in him?"

"Well apparently he does and it wasn't something I liked to see the day after a first date you know?"

"So, what are you thinking?"

"I don't know. I think I need to speak to Fin and see if he'll tell me because there is 100% something going on there."

"Oh definitely. Like why would they just be staring at each other like they're going to fight and then get snappy with you when you ask about it?"

"Right. It's so weird. It's really off putting too. Like if that's how he's going to get over everything, no matter how stupid? I'm not doing that. No chance."

"Have you told him?"

"Not explicitly. I did tell him he should go because I had some pastry to make for tomorrow."

"And did you?"

"Oh yeah. I genuinely did."

"And he left?"

"He hesitated, saying he didn't mind sitting and watching but I insisted, said he had a drive back home, that his mum might want to see him. Usual stuff." She nodded at me. "I don't know what to do about it. We got on great yesterday and before Griffin showed up today, it was great."

"You're worried that little snap is the real him?"


"Valid concern. I am also a little concerned about that now." I nodded. "Okay. I'm gonna make Griffin grovel like mad but I'll forgive him if you do, done, in the past, whatever. As long as you're happy, I am. As for Jamie. Let's leave it a few days see what happens. Don't text him first, if he shows up at the bakery, I'd say tell him you're too busy to see him and then we can see how he handles the rejection. We'll weasel it down and find out what makes him tick. Could be a little messy though so we're only doing this when people are around. Got it?" I nodded. "Good, okay. Now it's my turn to vent about the kids."

"Oh, do go ahead." I chuckled, putting my legs in her lap. "I love your stories from schools."

"Kids do the dopiest stuff I swear." 

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