Chapter Thirty-Four : Desert Days

Start from the beginning

   There it was, that damn name again. With her voice back I've noticed her call me that a lot more than she used to. The few times she has said my real name it always takes her a couple of seconds as if she has to remember it. I just wish I knew who this Joey was.

   "Buck, just wait a second." Frypan said calmy while I was absolutely livid.

   "Buck, don't do this." Teresa begged while Aris stood with Charlie in the back of the group.

   "We can find another way." Minho said which really brings to light how serious of a situation this was. "Don't do this, not here."

   "There is no other way." Buck said, raising her gun up. "He's going to die one way or another."

   "I refuse to accept that!" I yelled at her, making Buck whip her head so that she was staring almost through me.

   It was weird to think that not even five minuets ago Buck was helping Winston walk through the city and now she was aiming a gun at him as if he were an animal. That's something about Buck I was never able to understand, the way she was just able to shut off the part of her brain that made her feel sympathy. Looking into her eyes was like looking into that of a corpse, dead and dark.

   "You don't have to accept it, but that's the way it is." Buck said, turning her head back to look at Winston. "You can't save everyone Joey."

   She was just about to wrap her finger around the trigger of her gun again but I quickly gripped onto her wrist, pointing the gun away from everyone and to the ground at my feet. I could feel this boiling anger in my veins that I hadn't felt before. It was very new to me.

   Buck suddenly froze, looking down to my hand wrapped around her wrist and she tried ripping it away. Her eyes met mine and something about her completely changed to the point where I was so shocked that I forgot to let her go. She wasn't looking at me with the anger she had before, she had terror in her eyes.

   "Let me go." She said in a low whisper to the point where I almost couldn't hear her.

"What?" I asked, but not in an angry way, I asked with confusion. So confused to see her like this that I couldn't move.

"Let me go." She whispered again, her skin pale and her eyes distraught. "Please."

   "Des, maybe you should let her go." Thomas said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

   My eyes looked down to her wrist that was gripped in my hand and I shifted my fingers over her skin. Something important to point out was that Buck always wore long sleeved shirts, and the only scars I knew about on her body were the ones on her neck and face. But now she was wearing a jacket over a tank top so her sleeve was a lot more flexible, so her skin was more visible. I didn't mean to see it, I just did.

   They weren't cuts as if she had made an attempt to end her life, in fact, they weren't human inflicted marks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the marks around her wrists were from chains. Chains that were wrapped so tightly around her wrists that when she tried to break free, it broke her skin. The marks were healed, but you could tell they ran deep.

   "Let me go." Buck said and I finally shook out of my daze, releasing her.

   Buck quickly pulled her sleeve down so that her wrist was covered again and she placed her gun back in her pocket. The moment Buck lifted her head back into the air, it happened again. She completely turned off her emotions, her eyes empty of anything. It was like she was seeing right through me and I felt horrible.

   "Make something to carry him with." Buck said with nothing in her voice. "We leave in fifteen minuets."


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