Chapter 5: Taehyung

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It had been a day since she was here. Taehyung, you have to meet her.
I walked to the room she was being kept in. It had a secure lock which could only be opened by it's key. Only Jungkook and I had access to that.

She was in one of my guard's room. He was currently being treated for lost vision at the hospital, which was ironically caused by the girl who was currently in his bed.

I knocked on the door before opening it with my keys. She was sleeping on the bed. Or so I thought.

As I neared her bed, she stood up suddenly, in a fighting stance.
"Don't come near me."
"Sweetheart, if I were here to hurt you, I would have done that by now. Take a seat." She did, hesitatingly.

"Now, what were you doing here yesterday? I think I have an idea but I'd like to hear it from you."
She hesitated before answering, "I was here to collect some- some intel."
"Could have been more careful. Though you did put up an impressive fight." I chuckled.
"Thanks." I could hear the sarcasm.

"So are you going to keep me here?" She blurted out. Something in her tone was off but I ignored it.
"Maybe. Would you be nice and tell me what your organization is upto?" I already knew the answer.
"In your dreams."
I smirked.

"Well, you certainly could be of some other use."
"You wish."

"You still haven't told me your name." I asked as I looked at her innocently.
"Don't you have spies, Taehyung? Ask them."
"I could."
"But I don't want to."
She rolled her eyes.

"One day." I told her before leaving her alone.

She was still the same. The confidence. The wit. To say I missed her would be an understatement.

My heart thought of her so often, that I'm afraid she has become my heart.

Which is why I'm being selfish and keeping her here for as long as I can. I know I shouldn't be controlling her freedom but I can't lose her again. I wouldn't be able to bear it.

I remember she used to love Palak Paneer but that was long ago. She might not like it anymore. I decided to bring her that this evening.

As I opened the door with my keys, trying to balance the food tray on my other hand, I heard some movements inside the room. When I opened the door, she was sitting idle on the bed.

"Brought you dinner."
She eyed the plate warily.
"I know I eat too much but even I might not be able to finish that much. Even if it's Palak Paneer."
So she still liked it. Good.

"C'mon, half of it is for me. I haven't had dinner yet."
Her eyes scanned me from my head to toe, suspecting something. I just placed the tray on the bed and dragged a chair to sit in front of her.
"Eat up."
She surprisingly didn't ask any questions and tasted the dish.
"Taste good?"
We continued to eat in silence. It was comfortable.

"Do you need anything? You can always ask me for anything."
"Let me go then."
"You know I can't do that. First of all, you were spying on me. It's too risky to send you free now. No hard feelings."
"Second of all?"

"Well, bring me good food like this then."
"Done." I smiled.

We talked like this for a few more minutes. She was still hesitant. Probably wondering why am I going easy on her. She will get to know when the time is right, of course. Till then, I'm content to accept whatever she is willing to give. Long silences, glares, sarcastic comments. I love them all.

I watched her hold up her sword.
"Shall we start?" I asked her, and without waiting for a reply, I took a step forward and swung my sword towards hers. She is a very strong woman, but she has no chance here. I thought, as my eyes shone brightly while I dueled with her.

Even though I was smiling, my attacks were swift and sharp, and I was so focused that I did not even notice the fact that I had not broken a sweat so far.

But as usual, she surprised me pleasantly.

Her moves were so elegant and she had perfect skills. All her attacks were smart and quick on feet.

She didn't even give me a chance to react as she swung her sword one last time and mine fell a few metres back due the impact it just experienced.

She panted as she rose the pointy metal against my neck.
"Consider me impressed, prince." She smirked.
She then let go of me and we both caught our breaths.

"Okay, okay. I learnt my lesson to never challenge you into a duel." I chuckled and she joined in.

"Seeing as I lost, I atleast deserve a wish to be fulfilled." I looked at her before making my wish.
"Call me Taehyung from now on." I smiled at her.

"Well, Taehyung, I'm so glad you came to visit me today." She replied as she put the swords back at their places.

I shook my head at the surge of memories I just felt. The past is gone. I'm here with her right now, in present.

She truly is back. The wait is over finally, Taehyung.


i hope it's not too cringe skskksks and the conversations don't feel too robotic.
remember to vote if you liked this chapter :)

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