Chapter 13: Taehyung

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I could see that she was finally opening up to me. I was glad to be with her and I decided that I will tell her the truth tomorrow. She deserves to know why I am the way I am.

I felt a familiar fire in my chest when I saw the waiter come to us for the bill. If he pulls one move out of the line, I will end him.

I paid for the meal quickly but he pulled out a paper from his pocket.
"I think you are hot. Can you give me your number?" He asked.
I circled the outline of my gun poking through my coat.
"No, I'm not interested." She snapped.
"C'mon, I bet I will make your nights fun." He was implying something I didn't like.

"She said she wasn't interested. Don't you have ears?" I calmly stated as I leaned back in my chair.

He had the audacity to huff.

"Is he your boyfriend?"
I knew she was confused about what to answer. What were we? Friends? Lovers?
"He's my colleague." She lied.
"Well then he shouldn't mind." He said as he pulled a chair to sit near her.
I was controlling myself because I wanted to see what Hera would do. She could very well snap his neck right there and then if she wanted to.

Then he did something which made me lose my control.

"How about I take you to a hotel?" He said as he brushed his fingers on her thigh before sliding them past the hem of her dress.

"Hera, get up. Please walk away from him."
"I was about to." She snapped, annoyed to be ordered around. She was around 10 steps away from him now.

"Now, sweetheart, I want you to turn away."
"What? No." He was watching all of this unfold with a smirk. Oh how badly I wanted to punch this smirk out of his face.
"Witness this then. Don't say I didn't warn you."

I looked at him with a sick smile.
"No means no. I hope you remember that in your next life."

With this, I took out my gun and shot him. The sound echoed through the empty restaurant.

She stared at his body in disbelief for a few seconds before looking up at me. She had a renewed anger in her eyes.

I grabbed her by her hands and took her to my car. She was fuming but didn't say a word, as if she was trying to find the right thing to say. The ride home was deafening silent. I wished she would say something but she just kept her eyes straight out the window.

We reached the hideout and this time, she got out of the door before me and stormed inside. I followed her after parking the car and saw the door open. I entered, closing the door behind me.

"Hera, please say something."
Silence. I sighed and turned around. Just then I heard her voice.
"Why did you shoot him?" Her voice was so hard, so emotionless.
"Nobody has the permission to touch you in ways you don't like on my watch." I stated as a matter-of-fact.

"I can fend for myself, thank you very much."
"I know, I know." I whispered, getting near her but she took a few steps back. "You can be angry, you have the right to. But I don't regret killing him."
"I don't fucking care about him. I can fight for myself and there was no need for you to intervene." She raised her voice.
"Then do you want me to just sit there and watch while he touches you?" I matched her voice tone, getting extremely close to her.

I could feel her hot breath on my neck as she breathed rapidly. I could see her eyes momentarily move to my lips, before she looked me in the eyes again.

"Yeah. Yeah, maybe I did. Because guess what Taehyung, it is my decision." She said, accentuating every word.

Her lips trembled in such rage. So, so soft. So kissable.


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