Chapter 31: Hera

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As I stepped into the dimly lit theater, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. This was the very place where our story had unfolded, where we had shared our first date.

The air filled with anticipation and a hint of nervousness as I realized the theater was again empty, except for myself. Taehyung had gone to grab us some snacks, but he didn't tell me that there would be no one here, again. My heart skipped a beat, wondering what surprise awaited me in this familiar yet suspenseful setting.

Curiosity tingled within me as I turned around, my gaze slowly sweeping the empty seats. And then, I saw him. There he was, standing near the center aisle, bathed in a soft spotlight that accentuated the genuine love and excitement radiating from his eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as I noticed his trembling hands, a sign of the overwhelming emotions he was probably experiencing.

Time seemed to stand still as he took a step towards me, his voice filled with a mixture of confidence and vulnerability.

"I wanted this moment to be just about us. No distractions, no interruptions. Just you and me, in the place where our love story began." He said shakily.

Is this what I think it is?

"From the moment I first saw you, I knew there was something extraordinary about you. You filled my life with laughter, joy, and unconditional love. You've shown me a love I never thought possible. You've made every day brighter, every moment more meaningful. I was made to love you, Hera. And today, I stand here, before you, with a question burning in my heart."

Kneeling down before me, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box that held the promise of forever. I gasped, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife? Will you walk beside me, hand in hand, through every triumph and every challenge? Will you be my partner, my confidante, and the love of my life?" He said as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Yes! God, a thousand times, yes! I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you." I said, and my voice was trembling like never before.

"You've made me the luckiest person in the world." He smiled as he slipped the ring onto my finger. I couldn't help but hug him tightly. I had never felt this happy before. I just wanted to hold onto him forever.

On our way back home, I got a call from Jimin.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Did you accept his proposal?" His husky voice answered.
"How did you- Yes, I did." I replied, confused.
I heard a mixture of disappointed groans and 'I knew it's from the other side.
He ended the call.

I looked over at Taehyung in the driver's seat, wondering if he had told them about the proposal. Nevertheless, I decided not to question him about it.

I opened the door of our home but before I could turn on the lights, he cornered me into the wall and kissed me.

"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer." He apologized, his voice so raspy.
Even though he apologized, he kissed me again.
I felt him smile against my lips as I kissed him back, excited to see where this would go.

"Surprise!" A crowd cheered as the lights were turned on.

We both jumped apart, startled, and our eyes widened in shock. The room was packed with six of their closest friends- all wearing party hats and holding confetti poppers.

All six of them stared back at us with equal shock.

"Looks like someone was impatient. " Jungkook cleared his throat, mocking Taehyung.

Jin decided to ignore the awkwardness and walked to me, pulling me for a tight hug.
"You're officially one of us now! Welcome to the insanity!" He smiled.

Everybody should have a Jin in their life.

"Let's make this night unforgettable!" Jimin cheered.
"We've got games, music, and surprises lined up!" Yoongi said excitedly, holding a box of confetti.

"And enough food to feed a small army!" Hoseok- Hobi grinned. He wanted for me to call him Hobi but I was still getting used to it.

"Wow, guys, this is amazing!" I laughed and Taehyung nodded.

"Okay, we've got Twister over here!", Jungkook said

And a pinata filled with embarrassing dares!" Namjoon joined in as held up a pinata.

"Bottoms up! Let's have a toast to the happy couple!" Yoongi suggested and they all cheered.

"Uh, maybe we should take it easy on the shots?" Taehyung said nervously.


He's worried we'll all end up dancing on the tables!" Jimin whispered to me.
"Well, that wouldn't be the first time, would it?" I laughed.

The party started in full swing. Music blared from the speakers, and the we all danced and laughed.


Hey, Taehyung, show me those smooth moves you've got!" Hobi said as he moved his hips to the song.

"Prepare to witness the dance of the century!" Taehyung loudly declared as he got up on the table and started dancing like a pole-dancer.

Well, he certainly has got some moves.

"So, guys, I found this recipe online. Apparently, it's the ultimate spicy challenge!" Jungkook said as him, Jimin and Jin gathered in the kitchen.

"Are you sure we should do this? We might set the house on fire!" Jimin exclaimed, holding a chilli pepper.

"Don't worry! I came prepared!" Jin laughed as he waved the fire extinguisher.

"What are you all up to?" I asked as I caught my breath from laughing too hard.
"Preparing a dish that's guaranteed to make you scream!" Jungkook smirked.

The friends sat around a table, ready for the spicy challenge. Each of them took a bite while I just watched. Between all of this commotion, Taehyung stared at me intensely from the opposite side of the room.

"I think I can feel my taste buds melting!" Hobi screamed.

"Water! Water!" Jimin ran, frantically searching for water.

I looked at Taehyung again, and he tilted his head to gesture at our room, signing me to follow him.

Me? Well, I was extremely obedient when it came to him.

I entered the room and he locked it behind me before pushing me against the wall and devouring my lips.


the next chapter is the last hehe
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