Maybe we still do have chance

Start from the beginning

" +88********* Jimin's number. Call him if you need anything. And my card is at the 3rd drawer from left. Use it if you need anything. Password is 132013. Take care of yourself.

                                    From - Taehyung "

She kept the sticky note in the drawer of the night stand as she thought that maybe he hasn't completely forgotten her. Maybe they still have a chance. Smiling she closed her eyes to sleep for bit more..

It was around 8pm at night when y/n entered their house after a long day of office. Turning the lights on she greeted the empty hall room. She had brought take away on her way home as she was way too tired today and couldn't wait to fall asleep. Taking a quick shower she entered her bedroom. She was to tired to dry her hair so she left it to air dry. Lying down on her bed she grabbed her phone to check the time. It was 9 now. She wondered if Taehyung had reached safely. A part of her wanted to call him. But then she realised that she didn't had his states's number. Sighing she kept her phone down as she wondered if he would contact her to inform how he is doing there.. if he had reached safely..if his deal was going well..of he was eating well there. They still have a lot way to go. Thinking this she straightened up and opened the takeaway package revealing hamburger. For some reason it started to feel too suffocating in the room. She turned the TV on to fill in the silence as she started to eat. After she was done she laid in the bed aimlessly. Glancing to her side she stared The empty side which used get occupied by him. Closing her eyes she kept repeating in her head that she should sleep. She was tired and was almost awake for the whole night last day but she couldn't. Turning the lights off wasn't an option but sleeping with lights on was another impossible task for her. She thought dimming the lights might work so she stood up and turned the lights of the walk in closet on leaving that door open she again went back to the bed. But she just couldn't sleep no matter how tired she had felt. The emptiness in this big house was overwhelming. Thus the rest of the night passed away with her constant tossing around at the bed. She sighed when her alarm rang in the morning. Just like this three days went by. With the same sleepless routine. With the same routine of feeling disappointed since taehyung hadn't called her yet and she had no way of doing so. Turning that alarm off for the 4th time she entered the washroom and stared at her way too tired face. Why couldn't she just sleep like a regular person! Why was it so suffocating!It was hard to concentrate on her work as she was being deprived from sleep and constant migraine wasn't helping either.Should she just go to eunhee's house for the time being? Feeling determined and stupid for not thinking about this option before she left the washroom and quickly started packing a suitcase. Yeah she should stay with eunhee. Beside It's been a while since they stayed together. Thinking this she started to dump some of her office clothes to last her a week. She had clothes at her house so no point of taking much. After packing her suitcase she changed into fresh set of clothes for her office and gulped a glass of fresh juice. She made sure to close the windows of the house in case it rained before locking the door. At the entrance she bidded their security guard goodbye who couldn't help but eye the suitcase she was carrying. But now that she was out on the street she wondered why she brought the suitcase with her now. What was she gonna do it with it now at her office? She checked the time on her wrist watch. She was definitely gonna be late if she dropped it off at eunhee's house before going. Walking towards the main street with her suitcase she unlocked the phone to call a taxi. When a car honked making her look at her side. The window of the car rolled down as a face of a familiar person popped out from their.

Jungkook : Hey y/n!
~it took her a moment to realise who it had been. Realising she walked closer and bowed to him with a smile~
Y/n : Hey! Morning!
Jungkook: Good morning..?
~He said while his eyes roamed towards the suitcase she was carrying to her outfit which was office professional body hugging skirt with blue blouse. She can't possibly going to office with a suitcase right? ~
Jungkook: Are you going somewhere?
Y/n : Oh- That's-
~She wondered if she should tell him that she was going to her friends house to stay over. But what will he think if she tells him so? She didn't knew why she decided to lie instead . She didn't want to tell his friends before informing Tae ~
Y/n : oh that's actually- I need to drop some stuffs to my friends house. Emergency.
~She eyed him cautiously hoping that her lie was gullible ~
Jungkook : Ohh... Before office?
Y/n : It will look weird to take suitcase in the office ~nervous chuckle~ But I've no option.
~Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line before saying ~
Jungkook : Where does your friend stay? I can drop it off.
Y/n : A-aniyaa that's fine. You have office too-
Jungkook : That's not an issue. Besides hyungs gonna be mad if he found out I didn't help you.
Y/n : It's totally fine seriously-
Jungkook: Y/n..
~He replied sternly as he got out from his car and before y/n could protest he was already loading your luggage in the back of the car. Finding no other option y/n decided to get in~
Jungkook: See it wasn't that hard.
Y/n : ~chuckle~
Jungkook: So you work at rkives right?
Y/n : Yeah.
Jungkook: Okay. Let me drop you first and then I'll drop your luggage at your friend's. Just text me the address of her's.
Y/n : T-thanks and I'm really sorry for troubling you.
Jungkook : Aniya. It's the least I could do.

He said while y/n quickly typed a massage to eunhee to inform that tae's friend is gonna be the one to accept her luggage to which she replied if he was hot. To keep eunhee's hormones under control she lied that " no he looks like a nerd". Complete opposite of what jungkook had looked. Cause she was completely aware how closely jungkook had matched eunhee's ideal type. It didn't take them much time to reach y/n's office. Getting down from his car she still had around 15 mins time in her hand so she asked jungkook who looked at her through the open window now.

Y/n : Thank you soo much jungkook_sshi. Can I please buy you a coffee or something? It won't take your time.
Jungkook: Aniya. I just had a double shot of espresso. But keep that on the tab. I'll take my payment later.
Y/n : ~Smile~ I'll be sure remember that. Thanks once again.
Jungkook: No problem

He said while showing a salute sign before driving off. Feeling relaxed she entered the building.

P.S : Hey how are you guys! Hope the update was worth your time. My exams gonna end tomorrow and then I'll only have lab exams left so I guess I'll be able to update frequently 😃

 My exams gonna end tomorrow and then I'll only have lab exams left so I guess I'll be able to update frequently 😃

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And I completed a webtoon today as well. I don't know if you guys have read it yet but it's so good. "There must be happy endings".

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