Chapter 24

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Pansy and Samie were making their way toward the boys when their leisurely stroll was abruptly interrupted by a cacophony of high-pitched squealing. Startled, their hearts leaped within their chests, threatening to burst forth. They turned to discover the source of the commotion, only to find Ron Weasley, his voice reaching an unnaturally shrill pitch, mustering all his courage to blurt out an invitation.

"FLUER, GO TO THE BALL WITH ME!" Ron's words reverberated through the air, a sudden assault on their senses.

Pansy instinctively clutched her chest, her heart pounding wildly as if it had momentarily abandoned its rhythmic dance. Samie, on the other hand, covered her ears in a desperate attempt to shield herself from the deafening sound. The absurdity of the situation couldn't help but draw an eye roll from Pansy, who recovered from her heart-stopping moment.

"Real subtle, that one," Pansy remarked dryly, her voice laced with a tinge of amusement as she regained her composure.

Samie, still recovering from the sonic assault, couldn't resist a playful quip, her words laced with jest. "I do believe my ears are now bleeding," she whispered, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Poor Delacour," Pansy exclaimed with a hint of sympathy but also amusement in her voice, her gaze fixed on the retreating figure of Fleur. "She looks absolutely traumatized."

Samie nodded in agreement, her eyes following Fleur's hasty departure. "I can't blame her," she remarked, a touch of amusement lacing her words. "Weasley's declaration sounded more like a veiled threat than a heartfelt invitation."

They watched as Fleur gracefully declined Ron's proposal, her swift steps reflecting her desire to distance herself from the awkward encounter. Pansy couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement at Ron, whose romantic overtures had fallen flat.

"It seems Weasley has a lot to learn about the art of wooing," Pansy mused, her tone carrying a mix of amusement and gentle mockery. "Perhaps he should consider consulting a book or two on the subject."

"But then again," Samie interrupted, unable to suppress her amusement, "he is a Gryffindor. Subtlety isn't exactly their strong suit, is it? Along with a few other things, like strategic thinking, learning from past mistakes, or... well, you get the idea."

Pansy smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, I think we've covered all the necessary points," she replied, a hint of playful sarcasm in her voice. "No need to delve any deeper into the Gryffindor traits, or lack thereof."

As they were gossiping and giggling, they didn't notice two boys approaching them.


"So when are you guys planning on asking Samie?" Theo nonchalantly mentioned, his eyes flickering with mischief.

"What?!" Draco and Blaise turned to each other, their surprise is evident. "You're asking her?"

"Yes! You?" Draco exclaimed, his voice filled with determination.

"Of course!" Blaise chimed in, a hint of competitiveness in his tone.

Theo chuckled, enjoying the reaction he had sparked. "And here I thought you both already knew that the other is planning to ask her out. How amusing. As for me, I have no competition. I am planning to ask Pansy myself." A sly grin adorned his face, betraying his confidence.

"You can't ask her! I thought about it first!" Blaise protested, his expression reflecting a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

"Well, I've known Samie for longer," Draco retorted, a smug expression settling on his features. "And I happen to be her best friend."

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