Chapter 14

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"How in the world am I going to sneak out?" Samie whispered to Harry.

"Just wait until everyone is asleep, and I don't know, sneak out? You're a Slytherin, this should be easy for you." Harry looks at Samie in confusion.

Samie groans, "It's not that simple you dumb pooter! Unlike Mcgonagall, my dad is paranoid. He puts triggers when curfew starts. So if someone was either late or trying to sneak out he would be alerted."

Harry thought for a moment, "Then maybe wait in the loo until curfew and I'll get you with my cloak."

Samie looked at Harry as if he was the dumbest person alive, "Which part does my father being alerted do you not understand?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "He won't be alerted if you don't stay in your common room before curfew though."

Samie huffed a response, "I may not be caught sneaking out but he will surely catch me sneaking back in."

"That's it! Just don't sneak in."

Samie grumbled, "Oh that's a brilliant idea! I'll just sleep in the loo after this meeting is over. Are you even thinking?"

"At least I'm actually thinking of ideas!."

Samie rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Ugh I'm in need of a nap and I'll just think of something. Bye, Harry!"


"What's got your face all frustrated?" Asked Draco

Samie who has been thinking for a while now is looking a bit constipated with how much she's been coming up with plans.

"You know what, fuck it! I'mma do what's right and ask for permission. 10 points to character development!" Samie stated as she stood up and left.

Pansy, Draco, Blaise, and Theo all looked stunned at what happened.

"Has she finally gone mad?" Theo asked

"Nope. She has always been  crazy. You guys are just starting to see." Draco chuckled.


After a long day of work, Severus finally took a break. Avoiding Igor's constant need to talk to him and Alastor's suspicions and adding to that the excited children who can't for the life of them focus on his lessons and kept getting sidetracked by the oh-so-wonderful tournament, you can say that Severus is quite exhausted.

As Severus was about to sit on his armchair to relax and have a bit of "me" time, his doors burst open, and in came another headache to add to the list.

"DAAAD! You here?!"

Snape exhaled a long breath and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Oh, there you are." Samie went inside their quarters and closed the door with her foot due to the things she has been carrying.

As Severus opened his eyes, he isn't sure if he was amused or bewildered at what he sees in front of him. Samie is carrying a big book that has a plate of Holiday Blancmange on top of it while carrying a Johnnie Walker Blue Label on her other arm.

Severus was about to open his mouth in confusion when his daughter shushed him.

"Did you just shush me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just sit back and relax. Here, I have your favorite dessert and that new potions book you've been eyeing lately. I know you've been tired lately so I just wanted to treat you a lil'." Samie grinned and placed the plate on the coffee table.

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