Chapter 15

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"You're almost late." Harry deadpanned

"Pfft, me? Late? Never." She scoffed. "Ooooh! Is that another Prophet?" Samie asked.

As she was about to pick it up, Harry immediately grabbed it out of her reach, crumpled it, and throws it in the fire.

"No, fair." Samie pouted.

Harry grumbled, "You've read that a million times!"

"Well, the more I read it, the more hilarious it is!" Samie teased, releasing a chuckle.

Harry was about to retort when the fire flares up a little, a face appears in it.

" Sirius?! How..." Harry was gobsmacked.

Samie looked at Harry in confusion, "Haven't you heard about the Floo Network?"

Harry turned away from the fire and looked at his sister, "Yeah. That's where you can travel to different places, right?"

Samie nodded, "True, but also, using Floo Powder in a fire connected to the Floo Network, a person can communicate with another over distance."

Harry's eyes lit up for a moment, reminding Samie that Harry grew up with muggles.

Sirius grinned at the interaction but sadly has to interrupt, "I don't have much time kiddies, so let me get straight to it. Harry, did you or did you not put your name into the goblet of fire?"

Frustrated, he replied "No!"

Samie quickly covered Harry's mouth with her hand and hissed at him.

Sirius immediately replied, " Shh... I had to ask. Now, tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room?"

Samie flinched at the name but quickly removed her hand from Harry's mouth and turned to him, "You also dreamed about the muggle?"

Both Harry and Sirius's heads turned to Samie.

"You did too?" Harry asked.

Samie nodded while she wrapped her arms around herself.

"I don't know who the other man is," Harry said

"Me neither."

Sirius observes Samie for a second. He doesn't know why she would have the same kind of 'dream' as Harry, making him ponder a few things. Remember that the only people who know about Samie and Harry's bond are Albus, Snape, Draco, Hermione, and Ron.

"You kiddies didn't hear a name?"

Harry replied, "No. Umm.. Voldemort was giving him a job to do."

Samie continued, "Something important."

"What was that?" Sirius asked.

Samie answered, "He wanted... Harry."

Harry immediately followed after, "I dunno why, but he was gonna use this man to get to me. I mean it was only a dream right?"

Samie was about to disagree since it can't be a coincidence that they dreamed the same thing but Sirius cuts her off. "Yes. It's just a dream. Though, in this dream of yours, have they ever mentioned your sister?"

Harry suddenly remembered, "Now that you've mentioned it, yeah. Though they never explicitly said her name I know for sure it was implied."

"What did they plan to do?"

"Nothing!" Samie suddenly said too quickly. Both men turned to her in shock.

"I mean, all they said was that Harry was their priority." Samie reiterates.

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