Happy Super Belated Birthday Sevy!

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In the dungeons deep, where shadows lie,

A figure moves with a piercing eye.

His robes are black, his hair is greased,

His presence chilling, his aura beast.

Severus Snape, a name well-known,

A master of potions, a heart of stone.

His voice is sharp, his words like knives,

His demeanor cold, his secrets thrives.

But beneath the surface, lies a tale,

Of love and loss, of heart and wail.

For Snape loved deeply, a Lily fair,

Whose death he mourned, with despair to bear.

He served his master, with cunning wit,

But in his heart, he could not permit

The Dark Lord's triumph, the end of all,

For in his mind, he heard the call.

To protect a boy, whose eyes so green,

Reminded him of the love once seen.

He took the oath, to Dumbledore's cause,

And sacrificed himself, for a greater pause.

For Snape was not just black and white,

But shades of grey, with a noble light.

His story, tragic, his heart so brave,

In the end, his love did save.

Severus Snape, a character true,

A hero in disguise, his tale in view.

For in his life, we see the plight,

Of love and loss, of dark and light

So I know this isn't a chapter but I'm having writer's block and decided to shift my brain juices to something similar. Since  I missed Sevy's birthday this year so as an apology this poem was made. Tell me what you guys think :))).

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