Chapter 13

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"...trauma of Mr. Poter's past made him so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament .... Psychotic death wish ... eyes glistening with the ghost of his past. This is freaking hilarious I swear." Samie giggled uncontrollably.

Harry who scoffed grabbed the prophet from Samie's hands and crumpled it. "Don't read that! That's all rubbish I tell you."

Samie huffed, "It may be rubbish but at least it's entertaining. This is totally peak comedy."

Harry pinched her on her side to reprimand her but due to the bond, he felt the same pinch on his side.

"Ow!" They both said.

Samie turned to Harry in mock anger, "Have you forgotten about this bond? Or are you just too stupid to remember it?"

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "You're just too annoying. And why are you even following me? I'm going to the Owlery to check on Hedwig and I know for a fact you are terrified of birds"

Samie scoffed, "Being afraid of birds was so long ago. I'm specifically afraid of hippogriffs now. And besides, I haven't spent time with Orion. I'm sure he misses me."

Harry murmured, "so long ago? More like last year."

Samie narrowed her eyes at Harry, "What did you just say?"

Harry held his arm up and smiled innocently, "Nothing"

Samie raised her brow, "Thought so."

As they each check on their owls, a new owl just arrived holding a letter.

Samie was the one who noticed it first, "Harry! I think it's for you."

Harry who whipped his head found the owl staring at them. Carefully, he took the letter from the said animal.

"It's from Sirius!" Harry said.

"Could you say that any louder?! I don't think the people in the Great Hall could hear you." Samie hissed.

Harry looked sheepish but started to whisper the content of the letter, "Harry. I couldn't risk sending Hedwig. Ever since the World Cup, the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls and she's too easily recognized. We need to talk Harry. Face to face. Meet me in the Gryffindor common room at one o clock this Saturday night and bring Samantha with you. Make sure you're alone. P.S....-

Suddenly the bird bit Harry's fingers in which both Harry and Samie winced.

-The bird bites."

"Oh, bloody hell! He should've put that warning at the start of the letter for Merlin's sake!" Samie complained as she sucked on her bloodied finger. "Oh sweet Merlin, I'm going to die and you are going to be the cause!" Samie had a horrified look on her face.

Harry who rolled his eyes said, "It's just a bite. You don't have to be so dramatic."

Samie looked at Harry cautiously, "For now it's just a bite. What about next time, huh? Next time it could be a paper cut and then it could be a sprained ankle and in no time it could be a broken neck!"

Harry who can now see that his half-sister isn't really being dramatic and is actually panicking approached her. "Hey, I know it's scary. But I promise you that I will try my darn hardest to finish this competition scot-free or at least alive and breathing." Harry hugged her and released her when he felt her calm down a bit.

Samie embarrassed, looked everywhere except at Harry and said, "I'm sorry. It's just too much you know? You know my father is strict right? And the only people I've been with were my dad and the Malfoys. You can say that I was a bit sheltered and isolated. Being in Hogwarts was one of the greatest things that happened to me because I actually get to hang out with people my own age besides Draco. I love my dad wholeheartedly but sometimes I feel so alone and lonely. Especially when D started his first year. So it really gave me a whiplash when I enrolled in Hogwarts because from being cooped up at home to fighting Basilisks, and Werewolves, it's quite too much for anyone. And now this stupid competition to add to the list. I'm just frustrated, but I'm really glad that you're still here with me even though we fight a lot."

Harry nodded and squeezed her hand, "I totally understand I didn't know magic even existed before! And to think that I'm famous for something I don't even remember is very overwhelming and quite frankly terrifying. Don't get me wrong, being famous has its perks but a lot of people have huge expectations of me and sometimes it's quite hard to reach them. Some even believe they know me but they really don't. It's hard you know? Being famous because you're 'the-boy-who-lived'. Every time I hear that phrase, it just reminds me that I'm the-boy-whose-parents-died. I think everyone forgot that bit. I'm not the one who is supposed to be famous. Our mum should be. She was the one who technically defeated Vol- you-know-who."

Samie just now realized how painful it must be for Harry to be constantly reminded of his parents dying - their mother dying. She always knew that Harry didn't really like all of the attention but she didn't realize how it really affects him. She hugged Harry tightly knowing how stressed he really is about the competition. She just wants to remind him that she is here for him knowing a lot of people are turning their backs on him. 

Another chapter, done! :)) I sneaked in a bit of Harry and Samie bonding. We know how tense their interactions have been so I think they needed to have a moment. As much as frustratingly annoying Harry is, he is still Samie's half-brother. Would love to know your thoughts. ♥♥♥

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