Chapter 23

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Severus cast a withering gaze upon the students, his eyes brimming with a mixture of disdain and cruel amusement, as he delivered the news of the upcoming poison antidote test during their final lesson of the term.

Theo's voice barely above a whisper, he leaned towards Samie and muttered, "I swear, your father is a certified sadist. Springing a test on us on the very last day, effectively sabotaging any hopes of enjoying the remainder of the term."

Samie, her expression nonchalant, peered over the edge of her meticulously organized Potions notes. "Well, you don't seem to be putting much effort into studying anyway," she remarked, her tone laced with a hint of teasing.

Theo rolled his eyes, pretending to be engrossed in his potions book. "It's Christmas, for Merlin's sake! I can't summon the mental capacity to focus on anything at the moment."

Blaise couldn't help but join in, his voice filled with amusement. "but Theo, your brain always lacks the capacity on any given day. What makes Christmas so special?" he taunted, deftly sidestepping Theo's playful attempt to punch him.

Suddenly, the sharp hiss of Severus's voice cut through the air from behind them, instantly silencing their banter. Startled, they turned to face their potions professor, their expressions quickly shifting from playful to attentive.

"Quiet," Severus commanded with a tone that brooked no argument. His piercing gaze surveyed the students, their eyes meeting his with a mixture of trepidation and respect.

As the boys hastily turned their attention back to their notes, Draco, Pansy, and Samie exchanged synchronized eye rolls, sharing an unspoken understanding. Crabbe and Goyle, on the other hand, seemed to be lost in their own world, their vacant stares betraying their daydreaming minds.

Theo broke the silence, shifting the topic to something more lighthearted. "So, any of you managed to secure dates for the upcoming Yule Ball?" His gaze lingered on Pansy, his intentions clear.

Pansy and Samie both shook their heads in unison, their expressions nonchalant. "No luck so far," Pansy replied with a hint of indifference.

Curiosity piqued, Samie lifted her head from her meticulous studying. "And what about you, boys? Any prospects on the horizon?" she inquired, her tone light but genuine.

Theo sighed, admitting the truth. "I haven't had the opportunity to ask anyone just yet."

Draco couldn't resist a teasing remark, his quill gliding across the parchment as he spoke. "Is it a matter of opportunity or simply lacking the courage, Theo?"

An indignant pout formed on Theo's face, resembling that of a sulking child. "Why is everyone ganging up on me? Is it 'bully Theo day' and no one bothered to inform me? Besides, I happen to know for a fact that you haven't secured a date either, Draco."

Samie and Pansy couldn't help but chuckle at the banter, while Blaise joined in with a hearty laugh. Draco, feeling the need to defend himself, adopted a self-assured tone. "I haven't asked anyone yet because I plan to make a grand gesture when I do."

Theo rolled his eyes, his skepticism evident. "Sure, sure. And what about you, Zabini? I bet you haven't found a date either."

Blaise smirked, radiating confidence. "True, my friend, but I'm merely savoring the art of patience."

The room filled with playful banter and laughter, momentarily easing the tension of the upcoming Yule Ball and the impending tests.

Suddenly, with a swift and unexpected motion, Severus Snape walked past the Golden Trio, his notebook connecting with each of their heads in a resounding slap. The impact sent ripples of amusement through Samie and her friends, their stifled laughter escaping in snorts and smirks.

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