Chapter 4

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"Who is competing with who again?"

Draco rolled his eyes and then replied, "It's Ireland vs Bulgaria!"

"And who are we rooting for?" Samie asked not really listening.

"Bulgaria of course! Mainly Viktor Krum! Did you know, he is the best seeker in the whole world? He also goes to Durmstrang. Father almost let me go there unfortunately he decided on Hogwarts." Draco grinned. He was wearing a black turtle neck under his black suit jacket.

Samie wearing a little black dress shot him a teasing glance, "Well that's better than having a crush on the minister. At least this Krum guy is a lot closer to your age."

Draco was about to retort something when they heard a familiar voice. "Blimey Dad, how far up are we?"

Lucius who was with them looked up at the pack of Weasleys and smirked, "Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know."

Samie looked up and saw them but her eyes zeroed in on Harry. The last time they talked was at the medical wing when she lied about not remembering much. Fortunately, Dumbledore spoke with the trio and explained everything to them.

"Father, S and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco gloated at them.

Lucius smacked his cane on Draco's chest which made Samie chuckle at his expense. Draco rubbed the tender spot and glared at the girl who just acted innocent.

"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people." Lucius scolded his son disguising an insult.

Lucius then stared at Harry with a neutral face but you can see in his eyes his distaste for seeing the boy who endangered both his son and goddaughter. They were about to turn around when Lucius gently slammed the top of his snake cane on Harry's foot, "Do enjoy yourself won't you? While you can." He smirked and then placed his hand on our back guiding us away.

Samie looked up at her godfather in worry. She knows how cruel he can be but that doesn't mean she likes to see it. What made her worry was the last thing he said to the Weasleys. She shook her head and waved a small hand toward Harry. She smiled apologetically to them and Harry just waved a small wave back and smiled sadly.

The ceremonies begin. Balloons fly and fireworks go off.

Lucius, Draco, and Samie arrived at the box and she was surprised to see Goyle and Blaise.

"Goyle!" Samie grinned and hugged her friends while Lucius was talking to Cornelius.

A chorus of "Samantha!" "Samie!" "Draco" "Malfoy!" was then heard. Samie hugged Goyle first while Draco shook hands with Blaise. They then switched but when Samie was about to hug Blaise both of them stuttered and blushed. After a moment they hugged, albeit awkwardly. Draco on the other hand was staring at them both with a weird look in his eye.

"How have you guys been?" Samie asked as they sat down.

"I've been doing okay," Blaise replied

"How's aunt Valeria?"

Blaise rolled his eyes, " Mother brought home a new toy she can play with."

Samie smiled sadly at him and held his hand in comfort. Blaise looking at their overlapping hand smiled a bit.

"What about you Goyle?" Draco asked

"Eh, I'm doing alright. Been staying over at the Crabbe's. Mother and Father are always away doing business. It's just Crabbe and me home alone at their house. Apparently, his parents have been busy too."

"I know right? Father and uncle Sev have been busy too! I'm actually quite shocked father has some time to actually attend the quidditch world cup."

Samie was thinking how coincidental it is to have all of their parents be busy at the same time but was cut off from her thought process when she heard someone call her name.

"Samantha?" Daphne called.

Samie smiled when she met Daphne. "Daphne! Come here."

Daphne sat next to her and greeted everyone. "Hello, Draco, Zabinni, and Crabbe"

They all nodded at her in greeting. "Where're your parents Daphne?" Draco asked

"It's just me and my Father. Mother doesn't have any interest in quidditch I'm afraid. She stayed home with my sister."

Flying through the air on their brooms, five green and white figures leave a colorful trail in their wake. A glittering leprechaun starts dancing in the sky.

Goyle suddenly said, "Here come the Bulgarians!"

This time there are five red figures, and one of them pulls a stunt with his broom. On the big screen, one of them is highlighted. The chant "Krum, Krum, Krum" is started by the crowd.

Draco, Blaise, and Goyle began cheering loudly like some fangirls. Samie and Daphne looked at each other and giggled. Viktor Krum then waves to the crowd.

Samie giggled and stated, "Oh I can see why you guys are in love with the guy. He is gorgeous."

"A hotty indeed." Daphne agreed

The boys sputtered

"In love?!" Goyle asked embarrassed

"Gorgeous?!" Draco and Blaise squeaked. Both then looked at each other.

"You must be kidding S. Krum can't be your type," Draco stated

"Yeah!" Blaise agreed

Samie rolled her eyes and replied, "Why can't I fancy a quidditch star and you guys can?" She questioned them with suspicion.

They were tripping over their words trying to find some excuse.

"First of all, we do NOT fancy Krum!" Blaise said

Draco nodded to him trying to convince her.

"Are you sure? Because I can totally see heart eyes since Krum went out." Daphne joined the teasing.

Samie smiled at the girl. "See. She sees it too."

Draco, Blaise, and Goyle groaned simultaneously.

"We don't fancy him! We like him for his skill, not looks!" Draco complained

"Well, we do find him fancy but if you're too selfish to share him then we'll just support the Irish." Samie teased while Daphne giggled.

The boys stood up and then began protesting but suddenly were interrupted by Lucius Malfoy himself.


The boys abruptly sat down and silenced themselves.

Lucius scowled, "Do behave yourselves in front of the ladies."

"Yes sir!" All of them replied. Blush coating their faces.

Lucius then turned to the girls and smiled, "I apologize on behalf of these young men. You both know how temperamental they become when excited."

Samie and Daphne grinned, "No apology needed Lord Malfoy. But we appreciate your concern thank you." Daphne replied.

Lucius then winked at Samie as Daphne turned to the blushing boys. Letting her know he was only teasing the boys.

Samie grinned at her godfather. She loved it whenever he gets playful. 

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