Chapter 3

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"I can't believe it! Father got us tickets to the Quidditch World Cup!" Draco exclaimed excitedly.

Samie rolled her eyes affectionately. She was amused at her best friend's antics.

"Not only that but we're also going to be located in the minister's box!"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room of the Malfoys, the teens, or at least one teen can't help but gush at the prospect of attending the Quidditch World Cup.

"I didn't know you had a thing for the minister D." Samie teased

Draco totally caught off guard and looked at her in confusion. Too confused to realize she was teasing him.

"Where the hel-" Narcissa coughed in warning

"Where did you even get that idea?" Draco corrected himself blushing a bit at embarrassment.

Samie couldn't help it but she giggled. "Well, I think you're too excited about sitting in the minister's box who by the way is occupied by the minister, hence why it's called the minister's box"

Draco finally caught on that he was being teased due to Samie's smirk. He guffawed "You brat! From everything that I've said you-I arghh I can't with you. You're a real nutter. As I've been saying we will be located in the minister's box because it's the best seat in the house!"

Draco continued blabbing to Samie about quidditch which in turn made Samie bored to death. She just didn't get what the hype was. Sure it's a fun game but in time riding a broom for hours will just numb her bum and no one wants a numb bum. After what felt like an eternity of Draco chatting her ear off, her savior came.

"Princess," Narcissa called

Samie happy about the interruption, stood up immediately.

"Hey!" Draco protested

"Yes, aunt Cissy?" Samie asked, approaching the ever-beautiful Narcissa Malfoy.

Narcissa smiled at her goddaughter. "Clean up, we will be going to Diagon Alley."

Samie was about to ask when Narcissa narrowed her eyes challenging her to refuse.

She nodded and quickly went to her room in the Malfoys' house. Narcissa can be so scary when she wants to be.

She freshened up and wore a simple off-white halter top dress that went up to her knees and flowed out.

She met Narcissa at the lounge. "Is D not coming?' she asked

"Draco will be accompanied by Lucius and Sev to somewhere similar to where we are going."

She nodded and waited for her to continue.

They apparated to a secluded area in Diagon alley which only the elites know. It's convenient because it is dangerous to directly apparate in Diagon alley, knowing how crowded it gets. It avoids apparating on top of someone.

"Where are we going?" Samie asked for the millionth time.

Narcissa rolled her eyes at her impatience, "You're worse than your father. We will be dress shopping!" Narcissa politely smiled but you can see how excited she was through her eyes. She loved the idea of dressing her own daughter up but unfortunately, she can't have children anymore after Draco. That is why she loved that Severus made them Samie's godparent.

"Dress shopping? What for?"

"Your godfather was notified by the school board that Hogwarts will be having a Yule Ball." She said

Samie didn't know what to feel. She feels elated that she can celebrate yule and dance with her friends but there is also the looming pressure of who she will go with. Who would ask her? Would someone even dare to ask her? She can already hear her father saying 'Do not bother with trivial matters'.

She was suddenly snapped out of her stupor when she saw the entrance of Madam Malkin's. It was crowded and she looked at her godmother's face. She could clearly see the distaste in her eyes but to the public eye, she has a neutral face. Then Narcissa's eyes lit up when she saw Madam Malkin. They approached the woman and all the people parted for them like they were Moses and them the red sea. People didn't dare upset the Lady Malfoy for fear of her husband and herself. Narcissa was known to disguise her insults in pretty words which embarrassed the receiver. Reputation destroyed.

Narcissa then opened her purse and showed what looks like a gallion but has a symbol that might be a needle and a thread. Madam Malkin looked at it and grinned. She called one of her staff and whispered something. The woman nodded and turned to them.

"This way Lady Malfoy and Ms. Snape." They were guided to the back of the shop where no other customers can see them. Samie looked at her godmother in confusion. Narcissa only smirked at her.

The woman then tapped her wand on the wall in a very complicated sequence. Just like when you enter Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron, the wall parted.

Samie was this close to opening her mouth in awe. She remembers her etiquette lessons and just opened her eyes wide.

Narcissa and Samie went inside and the staff left them and closed the secret gate shut.

"I didn't know there was a secret room in Madam Malkin's." She whispered.

Narcissa smiled at her. "This a secret place for those who don't have a limit to their budget princess."

Samie looked at her in awe then remembered something. "What kind of gallion did you show to Madam Malkin?"

Narcissa showed the "gallion" to her goddaughter. "This is not a gallion. You can think of it as a pass. You can only get access to this place if you have one."

Samie nodded in understanding. She was about to reply when a voice interrupted her.

"Narcissa Malfoy?" A tall blonde woman asked with a smile.

"Adorabella Greengrass? How lovely it is to see you." Narcissa smiled.

The woman approached us and kissed both Narcissa's cheeks without skin contact. "You look gorgeous as always. How is the husband?"

"Working hard as always. Did you know he was personally invited by the minister to watch the incoming Quidditch World Cup?" Narcissa subtly bragged.

"Oh! That's fortunate of him." She smiled and then turned to look at me. "My apologies but I don't think we have met yet?"

I politely smiled and greeted, "you are correct Lady Greengrass. My name is Snape, Samatha Snape."

Her eyes lit up, "You're Professor Snape's child? I haven't seen Severus in quite a while. Would you mind passing on a message for me? Tell him Adora says hello."

Samie nodded and replied, "It will be my pleasure Lady Greengrass."

Adorabella grinned and shook her head. "Call me Adora, please"

"Of course Adora."

Narcissa then asked, "Where is Florian?"

"He is away on a business trip in France and by the way, I have Daphne with me. She is just in the fitting room changing back."

Suddenly a girl with similarly blonde hair as her mother approached us.

"Oh, there she is. Daphne honey, say hello to Narcissa."

"Pleasure to meet you again Lady Malfoy." She smiled

"The pleasure is all mine Daphne" Narcissa stated.

She then turned to look at me and nodded her head in greeting."Nice meeting you here Snape."

"You as well Greengrass but you may call me Samantha."

She smiled and replied, "In that case, call me Daphne, Samantha."

Daphne and Samie might be in the same year and in the same house but they haven't yet had a real conversation.

"We sadly must go now. We still have a hair appointment in 10 minutes." Adorabella stated

"Oh, no worries. Safe travels." Narcissa greeted.

The Greengrass was then escorted out.

Narcissa then looked at Samie and asked. "Are you ready?"

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