Chapter 10

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After that class, Samie headed straight to his father's quarters. Leaving her bag on the floor of the living room and collapsed on her bed. She feels a lot of conflicted emotions about Moody as a professor. At one point, she actually enjoyed the class at the start. She agrees that they need to know what they're up against, they need to be prepared for anything. On the contrary, that last spell that he did send shivers down her spine. She didn't want to ever see or hear that spell ever.

The sound of the door outside was heard by Samie. Alerting her that her father just came into the living room. "How many times have I told you to not leave your bag on the floor?" Snape said as he picked up the bag.

Samie left her room and went to greet her dad, "As many times as I've left it on the floor, I presume?" Samie teased.

Severus rolled his eyes and threw the bag to Samie.

With an oomph, Samie almost fell over. "Okay geez. I get it, put-bag-in-room."

Severus grabbed a Firewhiskey by the cabinet and sat in his armchair. With a grunt, he rubbed his forehead.

Samie who still placed her bag on the floor raised her eyebrow at her dad. "Rough class?"

Severus just grunted and downed another glass.

"Isn't it a little too early for a drink? Don't you have another class to get to?" Samie questioned as she sat on the sofa, eyeing the Firewhiskey. Ever since she saw her dad drinking it she has always wanted to try it.

"Afternoon classes have been canceled for the preparation of the Triwizard Tournament. And no you can't have a taste." Snape answered

Samie complained, "I didn't even ask for a taste!"

Severus as usual rolled his eyes at his daughter's antics, "You didn't have to darling. I can see it all over your face."

Samie grumbled.

Severus then stared at his daughter, "I've heard you just finished class with Professor Moody."

Samie looked at her father with apprehension, "You've heard right."

Severus waited for her daughter to continue but stayed silent. Severus raised his brow in question, "Well, how is it? How is he as a professor?"

Samie was fidgeting with her tie when she answered, "The class was fun at first. Moody jus-"

"Professor Moody." Severus corrected

Samie huffed, "Professor Moody is just, I don't know, weird? I guess."

"Weird how?" Severus continued to question.

"Well, he taught us the three unforgivable curses. He said something about we should be prepared."

Snape nodded in approval.

"It's just he kind of performed each spell in front of us. And I-"

Snape's eyes widened in shock and sat straight, "Excuse me but did you just say he performed an unforgivable curse in front of the students and not just one but all three of them?"

Samie nodded.

Pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance and frustration he said, "Teaching about the unforgivables is one thing but actually demonstrating it is another. How in Merlin's beard can Albus agree to this?"

Snape then stared straight into his daughter's eyes, "Are you okay? Seeing something like that isn't like a walk in the park."

Samie just smiled, trying to reassure her dad, "I'm fine. It's okay, it's just disturbing at first but he is right. Now that you-know-who is trying to come back, we need all the help we can get."

Severus nodded and accepted her answer and took another swig of his whiskey.

Although, Samie isn't a hundred percent fine. The killing curse won't leave her mind. The flash of green and how the spider just dropped dead. Is that how her mother died? A flash of green light and suddenly she's dead? Samie closed her eyes and shook her head trying to get the images of her mother's dead body out of her mind.

She stood up and grabbed her bag, "Hey dad, I'm just going to take a nap. Can you wake me up before the event starts?"

Severus nodded and Samie went into her room, trying to think of anything else.  

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