Chapter 20

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"I think I'll take your sleeping draught offer in the next task," Samie remarked while Severus diligently tended to her injuries. As he methodically healed each cut, scrape, and burn that marred her body, a growing sense of anger welled up within him toward Lily. How could she have thought that binding their daughter's life to Potter Jr. was a wise decision? The fact that she had never even mentioned it to Severus only served to intensify his frustration.

Severus loathed the overwhelming sense of helplessness that washed over him as he witnessed his daughter enduring pain. It gnawed at his very core, a bitter reminder of his inability to alleviate her suffering. The knowledge that he possessed the power to heal her wounds, yet was restrained by the constraints of the wretched competition, intensified his anguish. He vowed to himself, with a mixture of determination and despair, that he never wanted to experience this agonizing powerlessness again. Yet, cruel fate dictated that he would have to endure it two more excruciating times, as there are yet, 2 tasks left.

A flicker of realization ignited in Samie's eyes. "Wait, wouldn't Harry be rendered unconscious if I were to consume the sleeping draught?"

Severus gently shook his head, his voice tinged with a hint of solemnity. "As the headmaster proclaimed, only pain and the depths of your emotions tie you and Potter together. The potion's effects would not cause you pain, thus it would not interfere with Potter in any way."

Samie absorbed his words, nodding in understanding. "Dad? do you have any idea what the next task is?"

Regrettably, Severus's response was laden with uncertainty. "Unfortunately, hatchling, I am not privy to such information. However, if I were to venture a guess, I suspect a clue must lie within the golden egg retrieved by the champions. The true challenge lies in their ability to decipher its hidden meaning and navigate the path ahead." Severus heaved a resigned sigh, his voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "Considering Potter's impressive display of Ravenclaw-like qualities thus far, it seems we are destined for impending doom."

"Perhaps I can seek Viktor's... I mean Krum's advice. He might have some ideas worth considering." Samie cursed herself inwardly, regretting the slip that revealed her familiarity with the Durmstrang student, hoping her father wouldn't dwell on it.

Severus cast a scrutinizing gaze upon his daughter, suspicion lacing his voice. "Do not assume that I have forgotten about your earlier slip," he stated firmly, his eyes narrowing. "What were you doing conversing with a Durmstrang student, one who happens to be five years your senior, no less?"

"We're just friends!" Samie responded defensively, a tinge of embarrassment in her voice. She felt her father's penetrating gaze narrowing further, his suspicion evident. His silence made her uneasy, prompting her to provide more details to alleviate any misunderstandings. "I mean, we barely know each other. We just happened to bump into each other at the courtyard, and we've had a few conversations. That's all, really."

Severus maintained his scrutinizing gaze, his lips pressed into a thin line. "I have not stated otherwise," he finally replied, his tone laced with a hint of caution. He knew better than to jump to conclusions, but his protective instincts were on high alert.

"Umm, yeah," Samie stammered, her nerves evident in her voice. "I just wanted to let you know, so you won't jump to any conclusions." She bit her lip anxiously, hoping to convey her sincerity.

Severus's tone dripped with sarcasm as he replied, his voice carrying an intimidating edge. "And pray tell, what conclusions should I refrain from leaping to?" His eyes bore into her, searching for any sign of deception.

Samie swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She gathered her courage and spoke with measured words, trying to emulate the calmness she so desperately sought. "I mean, I don't want you to think that there's something more going on between Viktor and me. We're just acquaintances, really. I've only spoken to him a few times, and it's nothing beyond that."

Severus continued to regard her, his expression unreadable. The silence hung heavy in the air, leaving Samie on edge. She couldn't help but wonder what her father truly thought, fearing that her slip of the tongue had sown seeds of doubt.

"All right," Severus replied, his tone calm as he waved his wand, causing the salves and potions to vanish into thin air. Samie couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment at her father's seemingly easy acceptance of the situation.

"Alright? That's it?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and confusion. She had anticipated a more probing interrogation from Severus, not a simple affirmation.

Severus raised an eyebrow, studying his daughter intently. "I trust you," he stated firmly, his voice laced with a subtle blend of authority and concern. His gaze bore into her, searching for any hint of deception or withheld information. "Unless there is something you wish to tell me otherwise?"

Samie felt a lump form in her throat as she quickly shook her head, her eyes wide with both relief and apprehension. "No!" she exclaimed, her voice coming out as a squeak. She hastily corrected herself, trying to regain her composure. "I mean, that's it. There's nothing else."

Severus held her gaze for a moment longer, his eyes piercing and discerning. Finally, he nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Very well," he conceded, his voice carrying a hint of fatherly concern. "Remember, if there is anything troubling you, you can always confide in me."

Samie nodded, her gratitude evident in her eyes. Severus couldn't resist a faint hint of amusement as he added, "Even if they happen to be boys bothering you." A playful twinkle flickered in his eyes, momentarily lifting the weight of the serious conversation.

Samie couldn't help but roll her eyes at her father's teasing. "Dad, you know I can handle myself," she replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite the tension that had hung in the air earlier, a lightness settled between them, reminding them of the bond they shared.

Severus chuckled softly, a rare sound that echoed through the room. "Of course, my strong-willed daughter," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and affection. "But remember, I'm always here if you need backup."

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