Chapter 5

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"Woop Woop! The Irish won."Samie teased Draco while they were resting back in the Malfoy tent.

"Still, did you see Krum's Wronski Feint!"

While discussing the game Lucius suddenly popped up out of nowhere. "Draco, come here for a while?"

Draco nodded and left with his father to have a talk.

While they're talking Samie chose this as a reason to leave to talk to Harry. She knows she'll be in trouble later but she really needs to see him. She knows that his godfather wouldn't allow her so she bailed.

A few moments later she saw two twin ginger-haired boys on the way to go inside their tent. "Fred! George!" Samie screamed to get their attention.

With a dramatic turn, both twins looked at her and then grinned.

"Who do we have here?" Fred teased

"The serpent princess herself!" George answered grinning.

"What an honor it is to be in your presence, my lady" Both Fred and George took one of her hands and kissed it.

Samie blushed but then shook herself out of it. "Would you mind calling Harry for me? I really just need to talk to him."

The twins then had a gleam in their eyes. "Oooh is this a forbidden relationship!?"

Samie sputtered trying to find an excuse. The only people who know her relationship (brother/sister) with Harry were The Malfoys, the golden trio, and Sirius and Remus.

Fred and George suddenly laughed out loud, "Imagine what Snape would look like finding out his daughter is dating Potter!"

"He would absolutely be furious Hah! I would give anything to see the look on his face!" George replied

Samie scowled and pinched both of their ears as they both yelped. "I don't like Harry that way, you morons! That's absolute rubbish! I see him more as a brother if you would. Our relationship is absolutely Platonic with a capital P."

Rubbing their ears they muttered "Well there's no doubting who your father is. So scary I tell you." They said mostly to themselves. After a few moments, they're back to their giddy self.

"Why don't you just come inside?" Fred and George opened the tent and in comes Samie.

Everyone turned quiet, looking at her. Harry who was the one who snapped out of it grinned and hugged her.

"I miss you so much." He mumbled in her hair. Samie buried her face in his chest, hugging him tighter. She has to crouch a bit being taller than her brother. The moment was ruined when they heard Fred mutter to George, "Platonic my arse."

Samie scowled at them from behind Harry. Both boys raised their hands in surrender.

Releasing themselves from the hug, Samie asked Harry, "Can I talk to you for a second?" Harry nodded and waited for her to continue.

Samie rolled her eyes and added, "Privately?" she signaled to him that everyone was looking at them. Harry now realizing said, "Oh, yeah of course."

Harry guided her to a small room where no one is located.

Harry scratching the back of his head asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Samie then replied telepathically, 'Let's talk like this. We're in a tent with no walls, anyone can hear."

Harry nodded in agreement, 'What do you want to talk about?'

'I don't know if it's just my imagination scaring me but did you ever have a dream about you-know-who recently?'

Harry's eyebrows raised in shock, "Yes!" he shouted

Samie slapped his shoulder and shushed him.

"Sorry' Harry grinned apologetically.

'Do you think it's true?' Harry asked

'That's the thing, I don't know but if it isn't true why would we both dream of it? As far as I know, our bond doesn't work like that. We don't share dreams.'

'But that can't be true! He killed an innocent muggle for Merlin's sake!' Harry was now panicking.

Samie was about to reply when they heard loud fireworks. Both she and Harry went out of the little room they were in to see what was up.

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." Ron announced.

The twins who are flapping their arms, acting like a bird were now circling him. They were bumbling about in a comical way muttering 'KRUMMMM'.

Samie then whispered to Harry, "So D's not the only one in love with Krum."

Harry laughed at her, "Really? Malfoy?"

Samie giggled, "Oh you should have seen him. Can't take his eyes off him."

Ginny then teased Ron "Think you're in love Ron?"

"Shut up Ginny"

Suddenly the twins started singing, "Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!"

Harry joins in. "When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!"

Out of nowhere, the fireworks were getting louder.

Fred then stated, "Sounds like the Irish has got their pride on."

Arthur Weasley came stumbling inside shushing them all. "Stop! Stop it. It's not the Irish. We've gotta get out of here. Now."

All of them went out of the tent to see some figures in pointed hoods carrying flaming torches walking across the campsite chanting ominous noises. The crowd is panicked and rushing all over.

Samie was about to run towards Malfoy's tent but Harry stopped her. "Samie no!"

Arthur then bellowed out "Get back to the portkey everybody and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility."

Samie looked at Harry "I have to go back! My godfather and Draco are still there!"

Samie then took off running. Harry was about to run after her when Hermione screamed for him.

Samie tried to find her way back to Draco's when suddenly she was grabbed by one of the hooded figures. "Get off of me!" She screamed.

The hooded figure suddenly recognized her and let her go as if he was burned. Another hooded figure was about to cast a spell on her when the one who let her go screamed to stop.

"The Dark Lord's orders, no harm can come to her." He whispered.

Samie didn't stay long for her to hear what had been whispered. Running away from them she then felt a kick hit her face making her stumble on the ground. She looked to see who might've kicked her, but no one was near. She grumbled to herself, "Stupid bond and stupid Harry for being prone to injuries."

After a moment she can feel herself being unconscious. Muttering to herself. "This is totally the wrong place for a nap Harry."

Then boom, darkness surrounds her vision.

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