Chapter 1

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With a match, an elderly man cooking food ignites a gas oven. As soon as he sees a light on in the big house across the street, he stops what he's doing and goes to the door.

He steps outside and walks in the direction of the light.

The elderly man is approaching the house while carrying a lit torch. When he opens the front door, the interior is equally dark. He starts going up the stairs as we hear quiet voices and whispers coming from above. The elderly man observes and waits outside the room where the conversation is occurring.

"Oh, no. No, no, my Lord Voldemort I only meant...

...perhaps if we were to do it without the boy." Pettigrew said pathetically.

"No! The boy is everything! It cannot be done without him. And it will be done. Exactly as I said." A weak and raspy voice angrily replied

"I will not disappoint you, my Lord. But, what about the girl, my Lord?" an unknown man asked

A weak yet frightening chuckle came from Voldemort. "Just focus on the boy. As important as she is, the boy is our priority."

Voldemort then narrowed his eyes on the two men. "She may not be a priority for now but do not assume you can do anything that may harm her. You will know the consequence of ever disobeying me. Isn't that correct Wormtail?" 

He spat, looking at a terrified Pettigrew. Mocking his nickname.

"Yes, master!" Pettigrew squeaked, remembering his recent punishment from his Lord.

Voldemort scoffed then continued.

"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign."

A snake slithers past the old man and into the room.

"Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker is standing outside the door," Voldemort said.

Observing the elderly man from the doorway, Wormtail stands. The old man appears to be in great fear. Eyes wide and shivering.

"Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting.

Avada Kedavra!"

Suddenly two teens abruptly woke up. Sweat drenching their form and shivering from the odd dream.

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