Chapter 18

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As the champions gathered in a circle, their eyes filled with determination and anticipation, Draco couldn't contain his disbelief. "I can't fathom the fact that we're actually here," he hissed.

Samie, rolling her eyes, retorted, "Well, I never coerced you to come along. I just need to find my bro- him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed." She glanced around for any potential eavesdroppers before mentioning Harry's name.

Draco's eyes softened slightly, and he replied, "Just be quick about it."

Dumbledore's voice resonated across the area, beginning his announcement. "Today marks a momentous occasion for all of us," he proclaimed, his words mingling with the resounding roars of the dragons. "Each of the three tasks presents substantial dangers, so please remain seated at all times to minimize any potential risks."

As Samie and Draco approached the tent of champions, their attention was captured by an intriguing sight—they saw a bush or, or actually a bush on a person?

"Is that Granger?" Draco exclaimed, visibly disturbed. "You really ought to lend her your shampoo."

Samie snorted in amusement. "I didn't realize you cared about her appearance."

"Of course not!" Draco protested, his outrage evident. "I care about myself! My eyes deserve not to behold whatever she calls her hair!"

"Sush, D. Just because you used to obsess over gelling your hair doesn't mean everyone else does."

Draco stammered, "I was eleven! I didn't— I mean..."

"D, you were still gelling your hair just a year ago," Samie pointed out, then added, "Stay here."

With a sense of worry, Samie quickly ushered Hermione into the tent. "Harry, are you alright?" she asked, relief washing over her upon seeing her brother.

Harry's eyes lit up at the sight of his sister. "Dragons! I have to face a dragon," he exclaimed.

Samie gazed at him with a mix of sadness and concern. "Just remember to use your head. I know you don't use it often, but for both our sakes, please do."

"Samie!" Hermione interjected, outraged. However, Harry simply chuckled and pulled both girls into a heartfelt hug.

"I needed that. Thanks, Samie," Harry whispered. Before any further conversation could occur, the scene was interrupted by a sudden burst of bright camera flashes as Rita Skeeter, the journalist, approached them.

"Young love! Or perhaps loves? Ohh how.. Stirring." Rita exclaimed, seizing the opportunity for a headline. "The Chosen One, Cannot Choose One!? What a captivating story! I can already envision the title: 'The-Boy-Who-Lives, also known as The-Boy-Who-Loves.'"

However, their interaction was swiftly interrupted by a stern voice. "You have no business here," Krum declared loudly, looking directly at Samie and flashing a smile. "This tent is for champions and," he paused, emphasizing the word, "friends."

Samie blushed and smiled back.

"No matter, we got what we wanted," Rita smirked as another picture was captured.

Harry quickly frowned when he saw the interaction but before Krum can say anything else Dumbledore arrived.

"Greetings, champions. Gather around, please," Dumbledore beckoned, his presence commanding attention. "You have waited, wondered, and now, the moment has arrived. A moment that only the four of you can truly appreciate."

The champions assemble in a circle around Dumbledore. Each champion's focused expression reveals their strong determination for the upcoming challenge. The scene captures a sense of excitement and anticipation, as everyone eagerly awaits the thrilling event—except for one bespectacled boy, whose apprehension was evident.

Before Samie could take any action, she was abruptly pulled back outside the tent by Draco. "I gave you time, now we must go. In case you've forgotten, Uncle Sev mentioned that you either drink a sleeping draught or accompany him on the teachers' side," D stated firmly. "And by now, he must be searching for you!"

"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Samie reluctantly replied, conceding to her best friend's insistence.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Severus glared at his daughter as she finally joined him. "Where have you been?" he inquired sternly.

"Just taking a walk," Samie nonchalantly replied as she settled down beside him.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "A walk... at this time of day... and during this event?" He let out a sigh. "I'm not sure whether I should be relieved or disappointed by your ability to lie... or lack thereof."

Samie rolled her eyes. "Fine, I was visiting Harry."

Severus's expression turned serious. "And for what purpose?"

"What do you mean, 'for what'?" Samie retorted, her worry evident. "He's about to face a dragon."

Severus grumbled, "Oh, I'm well aware. I made sure Albus understood my thoughts on the matter." A brief flashback revealed Severus venting his frustrations in Albus's office, causing quite a scene.

"How did he take it? Good, I hope." Samie looked at her father.

"You could say that," Severus replied cryptically.

Suddenly, the cannon fired, signifying the commencement of the event.

I know, know :(( I took another long break. I apologize! Finals in college are brutal and I needed a break. After the break, I started to work part-time to have some extra cash. I'll try to update as possible! Thanks for being patient! ♥♥♥

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