Chapter 2

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Samie breathing heavily, leaned her head on his father's chest.

Severus held his daughter's head, caressing it gently to calm her. "Is it the same night terror?" he asked. The same night terror she keeps having every night ever since the incident with a certain wolf.

Samie shook her head. For once it isn't about her godfather chasing her. Though she doesn't know if this new dream is better.

Severus observes his daughter worriedly, "Did you not take the Dreamless Sleep that we brewed?"

Samie immediately cursed in her head, "I kinda forgot." She smiled sheepishly up at her father.

Severus in turn scowled. He was about to say something scathing but she interrupted.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry! It's just that I was up all night finishing the assignments that I fell asleep in the middle of writing an essay!"

Severus flicked her forehead. "Do not interrupt me. You would not need to stay up late if you completed all of your assignments on time, as I have repeatedly reminded you."

Samie groaned and rubbed her forehead. "I did do them early! It's just your essay that is giving me a hard time!"

Severus raised an eyebrow.

Samie gulped, knowing what it means. "Like I can easily explain in one paragraph the function of Baruffio's Brain Elixir!"

"Truly?" Severus asked condescendingly.

"Yet you required us to use 3 meters of parchment!" Samie complained.

"What of it?" Severus asked feigning innocence.

"So technically - technically it's your fau-" Severus suddenly interrupted her

"I dare you to finish that sentence."

Samie gulped and smiled awkwardly. "I mean technically it's my fault! Cause I really should've finished your essay a long time ago. Yup yup."

Severus can't help but chuckle at his daughter's worried face.

Samie knowing her father is merely jesting, punched his shoulder. "Don't do that! I thought you were mad!"

Severus rolled his eyes and replied, "I'm not mad just annoyed that you forgot to take your potions. We brewed them for a reason. You're lucky you aren't a werewolf or you'll be already causing troubl-" Severus paused. His eyes were wide in shock at what he just said.

Samie on the other hand tensed.

"I'm sorry hatchling. I forgot and slipped." Severus whispered.

Samie swallowed hard but smiled through her tense state. "No need to apologize dad. It's been a month! And I'm kinda getting guilty for avoiding uncle Moony. I should be over that by now. It's just my stupid brain can't seem to get the memo."

Severus shook his head. "It is not your fault, hatchling. It can vary how long it takes to recover from traumatic experiences. Avoid putting pressure on yourself too hard."

"I know but I feel so pathetic and weak and- " Severus covered her mouth with his hand.

He scowled, "What made you think that I'll allow anyone including you to insult my daughter?"

Samie rolled her eyes then licked his hand

Severus quickly took his hand back and groaned in disgust. "You are disgusting, child. Did you know that?"

Samie giggled, "Like father like daughter?"

Severus rolled his eyes. "My hair may appear greasy, but I unlike someone aren't licking random objects. Anyways, it's early. You should return to sleep and this time make sure to take your potions." He handed her the potion that she forgot to take.

Samie took the potion before Severus tucked her in. "Thanks for everything dad. Love you" she mumbled already feeling the effects of the potion.

Severus smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He whispered, "And I you, always."


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