Chapter Twenty-two: Positive Intent; Twisted Measures

Start from the beginning

"Her office?!" Circuit repeated in surprise, "But we, cadets, aren't allowed in her office!"

"I am sure these results are an exception."

Upon reaching Lafa Re's office door, Sala inputted a clearance code, and the door panels opened.

Lafa Re sat behind her desk in her dark room, working at her monitors. She looked up at her company as she heard the door, "Back so soon? I would have expected a longer experiment for such a case I brought up." She looked at Circuit, then at Sala.

"Alas, we found the answer quicker than we had anticipated. I have Circuit with me while I deliver the results if that's fine." Sala replied.

Lafa wrinkled her nose at Circuit's namesake, "Very well. Come and discuss with me your findings."

Circuit held Sala's hand, looking up at her as she moved forward with the datapad.

"Are the results on the datapad?" Lafa asked.

Sala gave a brief nod, opening the record she had saved, and extended her datapad to Lafa Re.

Lafa took the pad, quickly moving her feather dangling from her headpiece out of the way before beginning to view the record.

"Now, as you will see, Lafa, Circuit conducted no form of academic dishonesty. Instead, it seems as if he is more capable of success." Sala spoke as Lafa watched, "As you see in the footage, during the time he tested, Circuit's memory was more active in this moment of recollection. The reason why he excels is that his mind operates like an archive. It learns and stores information that can later be remembered. His recollection is astounding, is it not? I have reason to believe this memory enhancement is the new variable added to him when I had Circuit and his batchmates tested on the day of their delivery. Incredible, is it not?" Sala asked proudly.

Circuit smiled up at Sala, leaning into her leg slightly.

Lafa Re looked exceptionally impressed, "Well- I'll be... That is interesting..." She was quiet for a few seconds before asking excitedly, "How do we replicate this memory enhancement?"

Sala Te looked surprised, excited by the idea, then disappointed, "Well- as wonderful as this idea is, I cannot replicate Circuit's gift... Not without taking his life, at least... He would have to be sacrificed if we are going to replicate his mutation... And even so- there is no guarantee of success."

Circuit looked horrified at this idea, "What?! You aren't going to kill me for my memory, are you?" He began trembling, "Please tell me you won't!"

Sala opened her mouth to respond, but Lafa Re interjected, excited. "I think we should proceed, Sala. The life of this cadet is a worthy sacrifice! We can bring more effectiveness to our future generations of clone troopers! This breakthrough is revolutionary! Let's begin. What are we waiting for?"

Circuit cried in fear as he buried his face in Sala's robes, convulsing in terror, "Please don't let her hurt me-" He clung tightly to Sala, then looked up at her, pleading for mercy.

Sala Te stroked his head, removing the equipment she applied on his head and putting it on Lafa Re's desk, "It's okay, Circuit..." She comforted him before looking at Lafa sternly, "No. We have the answers we came for. This cadet is unique, and his life is not worth taking for the means of clone creation."

Lafa Re growled and narrowed her eyes at Sala Te's defiance. She moved away from the desk, "Come now, quit being selfish." She spoke in an ominously smooth voice.

To Circuit, Lafa's voice seemed to have a sinister quality about it.

Lafa continued as she strode around her visitors, "This one clone could easily make our finest specimens even finer! Think, Sala! This is a blessing! We can give our clones pristine memory to apply in battles! They would essentially be battle machines! Just one call to our client, and we may have a new era of success!"

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