Escaping Expulsions

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*Blight Industries. Green smoke is coming out of the chimneys. We see a banner that says "PRIVATE SALE". Various hooded figures are seen entering the building. Edric and Emira are at the door. Edric puts a paper which says "HEX ME" on one of the hooded figure's back. The twins giggle. The scene then cuts to inside the factory. The hooded figures gather in front of a stage. Two hooded figures are standing on a stage. A light shines on them.*
Odalia: (Grins.)Welcome, valued investors, to our annual (Takes off the hood.) Blight Industries private sale!(Alador takes off the hood, but trips and faceplants in the process.)If you're interested in reliable home security, we're here to help. (Whispers.)And, if you've got an enemy or two... Well, who are we to judge?(The investors laugh. Odalia points at Alador.)This is my husband, Alador Blight, the greatest abomination creator of the era. My name is Odalia, and as an oracle, I predict you'll love what we've got in store for you tonight. We are proud to present... the first glimpse of our crowning achievement.(Odalia and Alador step aside, and up rises Amity with a dry expression on her face, and next to her is a strange abomination-like creature in armor.)The Abomaton Soldier!(The investors clap. The scene cuts to the Abomaton pouring tea for Amity, doing her hair, and standing ready for a fight.)It will pour your tea! Help you keep up with the latest trends! And best of all, it will defend you against any unwanted visitors!(Odalia touches her necklace which begins to glow; the jewel in Amity's necklace glows as well as she receives a telepathic message from it.Through her necklace.)Mama to Mittens, remember our deal: Make this look good, and we'll forgive your recent lackluster performance in school.
Amity:(Sighs.)Yes, Mom.(The Abomaton tries to pound Amity but misses;Monotonic.)Wow, it's so fast and strong. Order now.(The investors claps and cheers, Alador yawns. Abomaton grabs Amity;Monotonic.)Oh no, it's undefeatable. How will I ever escape?(A picture falls from Amity's sleeve. A closeup reveals it's the one of her, Luz,Ava, Willow and Gus from Grom Night.) Huh?(The Abomaton almost steps on the picture. Amity gasps, then uses a spell circle to easily destroy it. The crowd gasps and murmurs.)
Random Investor: That's awful.(The crowd turns and start leaving.)
Odalia: Oh, of course, w-well that was b-but a beta test. We can't wait to see you all next week when we reveal the uh... the finished product in all its glory! (Turns towards Amity angrily.)Amity! You just lost us a lot of money! What's with you lately?!(Amity stares longingly at the picture.)
Odalia: I see. Looks like our precious mittens has been getting... distracted. (Angry expression while thinking.)

*The owl house,Hooty smashes his face into a steel bucket three times.*
Luz: (Speaks while activating glyphs.)Light in the darkness, a glittering bridge of ice, the mightiest tree in the forest! You can make all these, and more, with glyph magic! Welcome to day three of Luz's magic boot camp!(Fire glyphs ignite on the ground. King, sleeping near one, screams and runs away when it goes off. Lilith is cheering and clapping while Eda is carving something into the desk she's using,Ava is seen in the background practicing a new spell.) Okay, we have covered every glyph I've learned up until now. So today, we'll learn something new.
Lilith: Are we about to encounter a never-before-seen glyph?
Luz: Un... fortunately no. These four either came from nature or another witch's spell. I—I don't know where to find more.(Lilith and Eda stare at each other suddenly they hear an explosion,the ground shakes for a minute. Lilith and Eda turn around to see what happens and Luz looks over,when suddenly they see Ava flying through the air as she yells. She then lands on a tree and then falls to the ground in pain.)
Ava: ow...(Luz runs towards her)
Luz: Ava! Are you ok?
Ava:(she groans) I think so...but I think I broke my leg.

*a few minutes later,Ava had a cast on her leg as Luz wrapped it and is sitting in a chair next to her as Luz continues*
Luz: In any case, today we're learning how to alter glyphs to do specific things!
Lilith: Miss teacher, did I do it right? (Holds up a diagram of ice glyphs.)
Luz: Yeah! That's really good! (Lilith fist pumps.)Let's see how you're doing, Eda.(Eda has carved the fire and ice glyphs overlapping together on the table.)
Ava:(she sees what Eda had drawn) oh boy...
Luz: I—I don't think that's such a good—
Eda: Double glyph combo, go!(Eda slaps on the glyphs, they started flashing, then explode.)Oh dang, I was hoping more of an ice blast situation.
Luz: I know you're impatient to get your powers back, but try to master the basics before you start experimenting.
Eda: Ugh, you're as boring as Lily.
Ava: oh! Eda, maybe you should try ice and plant!
Eda: Oh good idea Ava!
Luz: please don't.
Hooty: Toot toot! The Hexside train is a-coming! Chugga-chugga! (Grabs Luz and then Ava by their collar.)
Luz: Uh okay, uh, King's in charge while me and Ava are gone. Bye!(Hooty drags Luz and Ava away as Ava uses her powers to get rid of the cast as her leg was healed.)
King: Hahah, power!
Eda: Yes! Teacher's gone! Hah, I wonder what other combos I can try.
Lilith: Teacher said we're supposed to master the basics before—
Eda: Basics are so basic. Now if we want to be powerful again we're gonna have to start thinking outside the box!
Lilith: If we want to be powerful again, we have to use glyphs perfectly! And we can only do that through "memorization", "repetition" and "following the rules". (As she speaks, she holds up flash cards with each word on them.)
Eda: (Slaps Lilith's cards out of her hands.)Well, I'm more interested in "experimentation", "innovation" and uh, "laughing at tools"! Like you! Hah! (Snorts and walks away.)
Lilith: Ugh! Am glad she sent Ava to school to learn instead.(she then stares down at King scratching himself.)
King: Weh? Yeah, yeah. I'll deal with it. (Walks off.) No one ever said power came with responsibility...

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